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NLP Seminar videos

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List of talks:

  1. 25.4.2024 David Porteš: Driving LLMs using Prosody
  2. 11.4.2024 Tomáš Houfek: Medical Named Entity Recognition (and more)
  3. 30.11.2023 Adam Karásek: Authorship identification
  4. 4.4.2023 Michal Měchura: Issues and challenges when encoding dictionaries on computers
  5. 25.5. Michal Starý: Event Detection
  6. 18.5. Ondřej Sotolář: Building a Corpus for Personal Data Detection
  7. 11.5. Krištof Anetta: Electronic Health Records processing, Apache cTakes
  8. 4.5. Petr Zelina: ALBERT Training
  9. 27.4. Pavel Rychlý: Using Makefiles for NLP projects
  10. 16.4. Vítek Novotný: When FastText Pays Attention
  11. 13.4. Mikuláš Bankovič: Application of super-resolution on OCR of historical documents
  12. 13.4. Adam Hájek: výpočet GTP-2 na Metacentru
  13. 30.3. Hien Thi Ha: Block type classification from scanned invoices
  14. 23.3. Michal Štefánik: Unsupervised Estimation of Out-of-Domain Performance of Language Models
  15. 23.3. Marek Medveď: SQAD database update
  16. 16.3. Vítek Novotný: ​EDS-MEMBED: Multi-Sense Embeddings Based on Enhanced Distributional Semantic Structures via a Graph Walk over Word Senses
  17. 12.1. Ondřej Sotolář: Anonymizace dokumentů
  18. 8.12. Radoslav Sabol: Officebot
  19. 1.12. Adam Hájek: Automatic Text Summarization
  20. 27.10. Vít Novotný: When Tesseract does it alone
  21. 13.10. Vít Novotný, 2 talks
  22. 13.5. Hien Thi Ha: Information extraction from contracts
  23. 6.5. Michal Starý: Event Miner
  24. 22.4. Petr Zelina: Evaluating Czech ALBERT
  25. 22.4. Marie Stará: Automatic creation of explanations
  26. 15.4. Veronika Burgerová: Paraphrase Generation for Czech
  27. 8.4. Vít Novotný: Joint word embeddings and soft cosine measure at ARQMath
  28. 1.4. Renáta Pivodová: Zpracování nových gramatických fenoménů v logické analýze PJ
  29. 1.4. Michal Hala: Implementace efektivní sémantické sítě pro reprezentací znalostí

25.4.2024 David Porteš: Driving LLMs using Prosody

11.4.2024 Tomáš Houfek: Medical Named Entity Recognition (and more)

30.11.2023 Adam Karásek: Authorship identification


4.4.2023 Michal Měchura: Issues and challenges when encoding dictionaries on computers


25.5. Michal Starý: Event Detection


18.5. Ondřej Sotolář: Building a Corpus for Personal Data Detection


11.5. Krištof Anetta: Electronic Health Records processing, Apache cTakes


4.5. Petr Zelina: ALBERT Training


27.4. Pavel Rychlý: Using Makefiles for NLP projects


16.4. Vítek Novotný: When FastText Pays Attention


13.4. Mikuláš Bankovič: Application of super-resolution on OCR of historical documents

13.4. Adam Hájek: výpočet GTP-2 na Metacentru

30.3. Hien Thi Ha: Block type classification from scanned invoices

23.3. Michal Štefánik: Unsupervised Estimation of Out-of-Domain Performance of Language Models

23.3. Marek Medveď: SQAD database update

16.3. Vítek Novotný: ​EDS-MEMBED: Multi-Sense Embeddings Based on Enhanced Distributional Semantic Structures via a Graph Walk over Word Senses


12.1. Ondřej Sotolář: Anonymizace dokumentů

8.12. Radoslav Sabol: Officebot

1.12. Adam Hájek: Automatic Text Summarization

27.10. Vít Novotný: When Tesseract does it alone

When Tesseract does it alone

13.10. Vít Novotný, 2 talks

MIR@MU at ARQMath 2020, link to citation in chat

Enhancing word embeddings: Positionality, subword sizes, and hyphenation

13.5. Hien Thi Ha: Information extraction from contracts

Questions in the discussion

6.5. Michal Starý: Event Miner

Questions in the discussion

22.4. Petr Zelina: Evaluating Czech ALBERT

Questions in the discussion

22.4. Marie Stará: Automatic creation of explanations

Questions in the discussion

15.4. Veronika Burgerová: Paraphrase Generation for Czech

Questions in the discussion

8.4. Vít Novotný: Joint word embeddings and soft cosine measure at ARQMath

Questions in the discussion

1.4. Renáta Pivodová: Zpracování nových gramatických fenoménů v logické analýze PJ

Questions in the discussion

1.4. Michal Hala: Implementace efektivní sémantické sítě pro reprezentací znalostí

Questions in the discussion