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How to use GPUs on NLP Centre servers

The following servers have GPUs:

  • apollo - 11 GPUs, from 15 GB to 80 GB
  • akeso - 3 GPUs, from 15 GB to 45 GB
  • ephimetheus1, ephimetheus2, ephimetheus3 and ephimetheus4 - each 2 GPUs with 15 GB
  • turnus03 and turnus04 - each one GPU with 11 GB

Follow these actions:

  1. ssh ... to one of the servers (e.g. ssh apollo). If you are not currently inside the faculty network, you must connect to the FI MUNI VPN first.
  2. cd /nlp/projekty/... to your project directory
  3. setup HuggingFace cache as detailed below
  4. find available GPUs: run gpustat or nvidia-smi
  6. choose a GPU with no running processes
  7. limit your process to only selected GPU: export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=GID where GID is the ID of the selected GPU (the first column in the gpustat or nvidia-smi listing).

Contact nlpunix@aurora.fi.muni.cz if something does not work as expected.

Connecting to a GPU server

Connecting to FI MUNI VPN

Connect to the server

  • Run command (replace ... with the server name followed by a dot .):
    ssh xsurname@....fi.muni.cz
  • Type in the secondary password again

Change the cache location of HuggingFace Data

Keep your home directory small, there are quotas active.

  • You need to change the download location of HuggingFace models, datasets, .... The default location is in your home and it can easily get full
  • prepare a cache directory in your project
    mkdir /nlp/projekty/.../hf_cache
  • To change the HF cache location run:
    export HF_HOME="/nlp/projekty/.../hf_cache"
  • To make this change permanent so you don't need to type it every time you enter the server, add it to your .bashrc file in your home directory

Create virtual environment for your project

ssh ... # to the server
cd /nlp/projekty/...  # your project
virtualenv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

This myenv activation must be done before any package is installed via pip/pip3 or the python/python3 command is run with your program.

Alternatively, you may run these commands with full path to your myenv and its bin subdirectory:

/nlp/projekty/.../myenv/bin/pip install ...
/nlp/projekty/.../myenv/bin/python my_program.py

The created environment may be dependent on the exact server setup and possibly may not work well at another server.

Run jupyter notebook on a GPU server

Connect your virtual env with the Jupyter notebook

  • after activating your myenv environment install ipykernel
    pip install ipykernel
    python -m ipykernel install --user --name=myenv
    You should get the output:
    Installed kernelspec myenv in /home/user/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/myenv
  • To check all your connected venvs
    jupyter kernelspec list

Run Jupyter notebook on a personally selected port

jupyter notebook --no-browser --port 2222

The output should contain one line in the form


You will use it later, after setting up an SSH tunnel.

Create SSH Tunnelling

  • Open new second terminal and insert the following command, e.g. to apollo
    ssh xsurname@apollo.fi.muni.cz -NL 2222:localhost:2222
    The second port must match the port selected when starting the jupyter notebook

Open Jupyter notebook on the local machine

  • Point your browser to a the previously obtained address of the notebook http://localhost:2222?token=...
    If you have used the same port numbers, as we do, you do not need to change anything in the URL. Otherwise, the port must match the first port in the ssh tunelling step.
  • If you have correctly copied the token, then you are logged in. Otherwise, to get the token again run:
    ssh ... # the server
    jupyter notebook list
    Copy the jupyter notebook URL and open it in your local browser.

The notebook is opened with listing the directory of your project.

References used

  1. SSH tunell: https://medium.com/@apbetahouse45/how-to-run-jupyter-notebooks-on-remote-server-part-1-ssh-a2be0232c533
  2. FI MUNI VPN: https://www.fi.muni.cz/tech/unix/vpn.html
  3. Jupyter notebook with virtualenv: https://janakiev.com/blog/jupyter-virtual-envs/
  4. HuggingFace dataset location change: https://huggingface.co/docs/datasets/v1.12.0/cache.html