Language Technologies For Business
- automatic machine translation, computer-aided translation
- for specific domains - description of products, manuals, warranties ...
- between close languages (Czech, Slovak, Polish, ...)
- translation memory segmentation
- knowledge mining, especially from internet text documents
- information analysis of texts
- knowledge indexing
- fuzzy searching ("I look for a mid-size bike")
- clustering search results on people, institution, places (Named Entities)
- clustering search results on products and their attributes
- effective indexing and searching in large data
- parallel processing
- continous web crawling
- information extraction from user behavior
- intelligent processing of web pages
- data cleaning, spam detection, plagiarism detection
- detection of generated content
- innapropriate discussion posts detection
- web pages classification
- keyword extraction
- text summarization
- opinion mining
- error correction
- spell checkers, grammar checkers, style checkers
- diacritics restoration
- language tools
- lemmatization, stemming
- parsing, part of speech tagging
- named entities recognition, abbreviation meaning expansion
- anaphora and co-reference resolution
- automatically generated thesauri, synonym dictionaries
- definition extraction, examples of use
see NLP Centre workshop for detailed presentations and DEMOs