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Where can you find us?


Head of department

doc. Mgr. Pavel Rychlý, Ph.D.
Room num. A213 (FI MU, Botanická 68a, Brno)
Phone num. 549 49 6399
E-mail pary (at) fi.muni.cz

Leaders of research teams

doc. RNDr. Aleš Horák, Ph.D.
Room num. A213 (FI MU, Botanická 68a, Brno)
Phone num. 549 49 4377
E-mail hales (at) fi.muni.cz


Barbora Stenglová
Room num. B203 (FI MU, Botanická 68a, Brno)
Phone num. 549 49 1863
E-mail nlpassist (at) aurora.fi.muni.cz