
Version 37 (modified by Ales Horak, 17 months ago) (diff)


PV277 Programming Applications for Social Robots

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Pepper API

programming in Choregraphe via Python

  • enter only one box Python Script
  • edit its contents via double click:
    • to onLoad add:
      self.tts = ALProxy('ALTextToSpeech')
    • to onInput_onStart add:
      self.tts.say("Ahoj, jak se máš?")
  • add Czech into Project Properties
  • save the project and run in on a virtual robot

speech input via Python

  • in onLoad add (leave the self.tts lines from previous example there):
        self.dialog = ALProxy('ALDialog')
        self.mem = ALProxy('ALMemory')
            self.speech = ALProxy("ALSpeechRecognition")
  'Running on real robot')
  'Running on virtual robot')
            self.speech = None
  • add at the very beginning of the Python code
    import random
  • process speech accordingly
    def get_answer(self, reactions):
        if self.speech is None:
            # random answer on virtual robot
            return (random.choice(reactions.keys()))
                self.speech.setVocabulary(reactions.keys(), False)
            except RuntimeError: # fix incorrectly reset dialog
      'Reset language')
                self.speech.setVocabulary(reactions.keys(), False)
  'Speech recognition engine started')
            while True:
                word = self.mem.getData("WordRecognized")
                if type(word) == list and word[0] != '':
            return word[0]
    def onInput_onStart(self):
        self.tts.say("Ahoj, jak se máš?")
        reactions = {
            'dobře':  'to je super!',
            'špatně': 'doufám, že to brzo bude lepší',
            'nevím': 'tak to určitě nebude tak zlé',
        answer = self.get_answer(reactions)
        react = reactions.get(answer)'answer={}, react={}'.format(answer, react))
  • in case of error ALSpeechRecognition::setVocabulary NuanceContext::addContext A grammar named "modifiable_grammar" already exists just rerun the app once more. But this should be already solved by the included "fix incorrectly reset dialog".
  • see ALSpeechRecognition documentation


  • add boxes Set Language with Czech and add Czech to project properties
  • right click the free area -> Create a new box -> Dialog...
  • in the Dialog -> Add Topic - choose Czech and Add to the package content as collaborative dialog (allows to start the dialog just by talking to the robot)
  • connect onStart -> Set Language -> Dialog
  • in Project files double click on and enter
    topic: ~dialog()
    language: czc
    concept:(ahoj) "ahoj robote"
    concept:(dobrý_den) ["dobrý den" "krásný den" "krásný den přeju"]
    u:(~ahoj) ahoj člověče
      to máme dnes hezký den
    u:(~dobrý_den) ~dobrý_den
  • see QiChat - Introduction and QiChat - Syntax for details
  • beware that the "nice" function of recognizing any text via _* is unfortunately not available in the real robot - free speech recognition works only as a payed service over-the-network. The dialog must use predefined (possibly dynamic) concepts instead via _~conceptName.

adding animations

  1. single animation - via Animation box
  2. connect to dialog:
    • add rule to topic:
      u:(["můžeš zamávat" zamávej] {prosím}) ahojky $zamavej=1
    • add output to the dialog box (right click -> Edit box) named zamavej (Bang, punctual)
    • add Kisses animation box, connect it to the zamavej output
  3. within the dialog:
    u:(~ahoj) ^start(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_1) ahoj člověče
      to máme dnes hezký den 

shows only on real robot, see default list of animations

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Pepper API II

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Live examples

Using basic arithmetics

See video "I can do computations " in Czech / "Umím počítat" v češtině.

See app for details. Concepts for arithmetic operators and numbers are created. Not every number is defined, but rather decimal places and their combination, eg.

concept:(tens) [20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90]
concept:(number_hundreds) ["{[1 "jedno"]} sto" 
    "dvě stě" dvěsta dvěstě 
    "[3 4] sta" "[5 6 7 8 "osum" 9] set" pěcet šescet devěcet]
concept:(number) ["~number_hundreds {~number_tens} {~digits}" 
    "~number_tens {~digits}" ~digits]

This way, robot can understand numbers up to 999. Concepts are used in the dialogue, passed into counting function and output result is said in the dialogue:

u:(["kolik je" spočítej] _"~number ~operator [~number ~number2]")
    c1:(_* equals nan) $1 přece nejde spočítat!
    c1:(_* equals _*) $1 [je "by mohlo být"] {asi} {tak} $2

The computing function receives the recognized words as parameters and has to convert the words to numbers and operation before producing the result. The command parameter contains recognized sentence, eg. "dvacet dva plus třináct".

m = re.match('(.*) (' + '|'.join(OPERATOR_WORDS) + ') (.*)', command)
if m:
  number1 = self.convert_number(
  operator_word =
  operator = OPERATOR_WORDS[operator_word]
  number2 = self.convert_number(
    result = str(int(eval(str(number1) + operator + str(number2)))).replace('-','minus')
     result = 'nan'

Display subtitles for speech recognition/generation

See video Subtitles and language switching between Czech and English / titulky a přepínání mezi češtinou a angličtinou.

The subtitle service is running as an HTML app on the Pepper's tablet, receiving updates via Javascript messaging API. See app, specifically dialog_subtitles/html/js/.

HTML app can subscribe to various robot API events:

RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("SpeechDetected", onSpeechDetected);
RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("ALSpeechRecognition/Status", onSpeechStatus);
RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("WordRecognizedAndGrammar", onWordRecognized);

And update the webpage when events are triggered, eg. display recognized word:

function onWordRecognized(value)
    document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = value;

Access timetable API

See video Public transport in Czech / jízdní řád v češtině.

See kordisbot app (in the directory /nlp/projekty/pepper/myapps) for detailed example. To enable recognition of all stops and street names, special concepts were defined ( and with the list of accepted names.

Timetable search is running as a service, see scripts/ With a user's question, the dialog just calls specific service function, eg.

u:("[řekni ukaž zobraz najdi] {mi} [odjezdy spoje] ze zastávky _~station_name na zastávku _~station_name")

The service functions say_answer1 and say_answer2 are directly generating robot answer sentence.

Connection map is displayed on the tablet, using usual map from with the connection parameters:

fromStop, toStop, date, time))

Pepper usage around the world:

installing application to the robot

  • make a ssh key (replace <xlogin> with your login):
    ssh-keygen -m PEM -t ecdsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/pepper_<xlogin>
  • copy your public key to the course directory:
    cp ~/.ssh/pepper_<xlogin>.pub /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/keys/
  • add host karel to your $HOME/.ssh/config:
    Host karel
        User nao
        # IdentityFile is important for
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pepper_<xlogin>
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        PubkeyAuthentication yes
  • build the PKG package in Choregraphe
  • test logview
    ssh aurora
  • after the key is allowed, install it to the robot
    ssh aurora
    /nlp/projekty/pepper/bin/ your_package.pkg

running/launching the application

  • if the application contains a behavior (behavior.xar), it needs to be launched. Behaviors can have two natures: interactive (used as a dialog) or solitary (used without a direct listener). Any behavior can be launched using one of 3 ways:
    1. specify the behavior's trigger conditions (works with both solitary and interactive) and/or its trigger sentences
    2. run it with
      /nlp/projekty/pepper/bin/ your_package[/path_to_behavior]
      call -l to obtain a list of installed behaviors.
    3. call ALAutonomousLife.switchFocus or QiChat ^switchFocus

using tablet

  • from a dialogue (see QiChat - pCall):
    u:(jak se můžu dostat na fakultu bez přijímaček?)
        Způsobů je celá řada. 
        Všechno se dozvíš dnes na přednášce, od paní ze studijního
        nebo na webu vvv fi muni cz v sekci pro uchazeče.
  • application specific content can be displayed when stored in the subdirectory html and (after installation on the real robot) referred from the tablet as<application_name>/.... This way not only images, but also HTML pages with JavaScript content can be presented. The JavaScript can also communicate with robot variables in real time, see dialog_presentation_nlp for an example.
  • Using Pepper’s Tablet

face characteristics

creating application outside Choregraphe

  • prepare your pepper directory unless you already have one
    mkdir $HOME/pepper
  • copy template directory
    cp -r /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/template $HOME/pepper/
  • rename the template to template_<xlogin> (replace <xlogin> with your login) or something else:
    mv $HOME/pepper/template $HOME/pepper/template_<xlogin>
    cd $HOME/pepper/template_<xlogin>
  • go through all files, rename the application where necessary
  • build the PKG package (the version number will be increased):
    cd $HOME/pepper/template_<xlogin>
    make pkg
  • and install it
    cd $HOME/pepper/template_<xlogin>
    make install
    During the development this can be in one command
    make pkg install

creating own service

  • copy and rename template-service directory
    cp -r /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/template-service $HOME/pepper/
    mv $HOME/pepper/template-service $HOME/pepper/template-service_<xlogin>
    cd $HOME/pepper/template-service_<xlogin>
  • go through all files, rename the application where necessary
  • build the PKG and install it

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