- 1
- J. Allen
Natural Language Understanding, 2nd Edition.
Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings.
- 2
- D. Angluin
Inductive inference: theory and methods.
Computing Surveys 15, 237-269.
- 3
- T.
HyTAG: A new type of Tree Adjoining Grammar for hybrid
syntactic representation of free word order languages.
Ph.D. thesis, Univ. des Saarlandes.
- 4
- R.J. Brachman
On the epistemological status of semantic networks.
In N.V. Findler, ed.
Associative Networks: Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers.
New York: Academic Press, 3-50.
- 5
- J. Bowers
Adjectives and adverbs in English.
Foundations of Language 13, 529-662.
- 6
- M.K. Brame
Base Generated Syntax.
Seattle: Noit Amrofer.
- 7
- M.K. Brame
Essays toward Realistic Syntax.
Seattle: Noit Amrofer.
- 8
- E.J. Briscoe
, C. Grover
, B. Boguraev & J. Carroll
A formalism and environment for the development of a large grammar of
IJCAI-87, 703-708.
- 9
- E.J. Briscoe
, A. Copestake
and A. Lascarides
In P. St. Dizier & E. Viegas, eds.
Computational Lexical Semantics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 00-00
- 10
- R. Burstall, R. Collins & R. Popplestone (1968)
Programming in POP-2.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- 11
- L.J. Cahill
& G. Gazdar (1997)
The inflectional phonology of German adjectives, determiners
and pronouns.
Linguistics 35, 211-245.
- 12
- L.J. Cahill
& G. Gazdar (1999)
German noun inflection.
Journal of Linguistics 35, 1-42.
- 13
- M-H.
A principle-based hierarchical representation of LTAGs.
COLING-96, Copenhagen, 194-199.
- 14
- E. Charniak
Towards a Model of Children's Story Comprehension.
MIT AI Laboratory: Technical Report AI-TR266.
- 15
- N. Chomsky (1957)
Syntactic Structures.
The Hague: Mouton.
- 16
- N. Chomsky (1965)
Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
Cambridge: MIT Press.
- 17
- N. Chomsky (1970)
Remarks on nominalisation.
In R. Jacobs & P. Rosenbaum, eds.
Readings in Transformational Gramnmar.
Waltham: Ginn, 184-221.
- 18
- R.P. Evans
& G. Gazdar (1984)
The ProGram manual.
University of Sussex Cognitive Science Research Paper 35 (CSRP 035).
- 19
- R.P. Evans
& G. Gazdar (1989a)
Inference in DATR.
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the European Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics, 66-71.
- 20
- R.P. Evans
& G. Gazdar (1989b)
The semantics of DATR.
In Anthony Cohn, ed. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of
the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of
Behaviour, London: Pitman, 79-87.
- 21
- R.P. Evans
& G. Gazdar (1996)
DATR: A language for lexical knowledge representation.
Computational Linguistics, 22, 167-216.
- 22
- R.P. Evans
, G. Gazdar & D.J. Weir
Encoding lexicalized tree adjoining grammars with
a nonmonotonic inheritance hierarchy.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics, 77-84.
- 23
- R.P. Evans
, G. Gazdar & D.J. Weir
`Lexical Rules' are just lexical rules.
In Anne Abeillé & Owen Rambow, eds.
Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and
Stanford: CSLI
(distributed by Chicago University Press), 71-100.
- 24
- D.P. Flickinger (1987)
Lexical Rules in the Hierarchical Lexicon.
Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University.
- 25
- G. Gazdar (1976)
Review of G. Sampson
, 1975,
The Form of Language.
Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
Journal of Linguistics 12, 206-8.
- 26
- G. Gazdar (1978a) Heavy parentheses wipe-out rules, okay?
Linguistics & Philosophy 2, 281-289.
- 27
- G. Gazdar (1978b) Eine pragmatisch-semantische Mischtheorie der Bedeutung.
Linguistische Berichte 58, 5-17.
- 28
- G. Gazdar (1979a)
Pragmatics: Implicature, Presupposition, and Logical Form.
New York: Academic Press.
- 29
- G. Gazdar (1979b) A solution to the projection problem.
In C.K. Oh (ed.) Syntax & Semantics 11: Presupposition,
New York: Academic Press, 57-89.
- 30
- G. Gazdar (1979c) Class, codes, and conversation.
Linguistics 17, 197-209.
- 31
- G. Gazdar (1980a) A cross-categorial semantics for coordination.
Linguistics & Philosophy 3, 407-409.
- 32
- G. Gazdar (1980b) Pragmatics and logical form.
Journal of Pragmatics 4, 1-13.
- 33
- G. Gazdar (1980c) A phrase structure syntax for comparative clauses.
In T. Hoekstra, H. van der Hulst & M. Moortgat (eds.)
Lexical grammar.
Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 165-179. Also published in
GLOT 2, 379-393 (1979).
- 34
- G. Gazdar (1981)
On syntactic categories.
In C. Longuet-Higgins,
J. Lyons, & D. Broadbent (eds.)
The Psychological Mechanisms of Language,
London: Royal Society
& British Academy
, 53-69.
Also in
Philosophical Transactions (Series B) of the Royal Society
295, 267-283.
Also in
Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.)
Linguistics in the Morning Calm.
Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co., 349-361.
- 35
- G. Gazdar (1982)
Review of M.K. Brame 1978,
Base Generated Syntax;
1979, Essays toward Realistic Syntax.
Seattle: Noit Amrofer.
Journal of Linguistics 18, 464-473.
- 36
- G. Gazdar (1987)
Linguistic applications of default inheritance mechanisms.
In P.J. Whitelock et al., eds.
Linguistic Theory and Computer Applications,
London: Academic Press, 37-67.
- 37
- G. Gazdar (1988)
Applicability of indexed grammars to natural languages.
In Uwe Reyle & Christian Rohrer, eds.
Natural Language Parsing and Linguistic Theory,
Dordrecht: Reidel, 69-94.
- 38
- G. Gazdar, & C.S. Mellish
Computational linguistics.
In J. Lyons, R.A. Coates
, M. Deuchar, & G. Gazdar, eds.
New Horizons in Linguistics II,
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 225-248.
- 39
- G. Gazdar & C.S. Mellish
(1989a) Natural Language Processing in
Prolog: An Introduction to Computational Linguistics.
Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
- 40
- G. Gazdar & C.S. Mellish
(1989b) Natural Language Processing in
POP-11: An Introduction to Computational Linguistics.
Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
- 41
- G. Gazdar & C.S. Mellish
(1989c) Natural Language Processing in
LISP: An Introduction to Computational Linguistics.
Wokingham: Addison-Wesley.
- 42
- G. Gazdar, E.H. Klein
& G.K. Pullum
A Bibliography of Contemporary Linguistic Research,
New York: Garland.
- 43
- G. Gazdar, E.H. Klein
, G.K. Pullum
, & I.A. Sag
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar.
Oxford: Blackwell, and Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press.
- 44
- G. Gazdar & G.K. Pullum
(1976) Truth-functional connectives in natural
CLS 12, 220-234.
- 45
- G. Gazdar, & G.K. Pullum
Computationally relevant properties of natural languages and their
New Generation Computing 3, 273-306.
Reprinted in Walter J. Savitch, Emmon Bach, William Marsh
and Gila Safran-Naveh, eds.
The Formal Complexity of Natural Language
Dordrecht: Reidel, 387-437 (1987).
- 46
- G. Gazdar, G.K. Pullum
, R. Carpenter
, E.H. Klein
, T.
Hukari, & R.D. Levine
Category structures.
Computational Linguistics 14, 1-19.
- 47
- G. Gazdar, G.K. Pullum
, & I.A. Sag
Auxiliaries and related phenomena in a restrictive theory of grammar.
Language 58, 591-638.
- 48
- E.M. Gold (1967)
Language identification in the limit.
Information and Control 10, 447-474.
- 49
- E.M. Gold (1978)
Complexity of automaton identification from given data.
Information and Control 37, 302-320.
- 50
- J.T. Grinder & S.H. Elgin (1973)
Guide to Transformational Grammar.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- 51
- A.K.
, L.S. Levy
, & M. Takahashi (1975)
Tree adjunct grammars.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 10, 136-163.
- 52
- L. Karttunen
(no date)
Presuppositional phenomena.
University of Texas, mimeograph.
- 53
- L. Karttunen
& P.S.
Conventional implicature in Montague Grammar.
Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley
Linguistics Society, 266-278.
- 54
- L. Karttunen
& P.S.
Conventional implicature.
In C-K. Oh, ed.
Syntax & Semantics 11: Presupposition,
New York: Academic Press, 1-56.
- 55
- J. Katz
& D.T.
Pragmatics and presupposition.
Language 52, 1-17.
- 56
- E.L. Keenan
, ed. (1975)
Formal Semantics of Natural Language.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 57
- E.L. Keenan
& L.M.
Boolean Semantics for Natural Language.
Dordrecht: Reidel.
- 58
- B. Keller
DATR theories and DATR models.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association
of Computational Linguistics, 55-62.
- 59
- B. Keller
An evaluation semantics for DATR theories.
COLING-96, Copenhagen, 646-651.
- 60
- R.M. Kempson
Presupposition and the delimitation of semantics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 61
- S.J. Keyser & P.M. Postal
Beginning English Grammar.
New York: Harper & Row.
- 62
- E.H. Klein
The syntax and semantics of nominal comparatives.
In M. Moneglia, ed.
Atti de Seminario su Tempo e Verbale Strutture Quantificate in
Forma Logica,
Florence: Presso l'Accademia della Crusca, 00-00.
- 63
- D.T.
& H.B. Savin (1971)
In C.J. Fillmore & D.T. Langendoen, eds.
Studies in Linguistic Semantics.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 55-62.
- 64
- A. Lascarides
, E.J. Briscoe
, N. Asher
& A. Copestake
Order independence and persistent default unification.
Linguistics & Philosophy 19, 1-89.
- 65
- G.N. Leech
Principles of Pragmatics.
Harlow: Longman.
- 66
- S.C. Levinson
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 67
- J. Lyons (1969)
Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 68
- J. Lyons (1970)
New Horizons in Linguistics.
Harmondsworth: Penguin.
- 69
- C.D. Manning & H.
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
- 70
- P.H. Matthews (1972)
Inflectional Morphology.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 71
- P.H. Matthews (1974)
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 72
- R.E. Mercer
& R. Reiter
The representation of presuppositions using defaults.
Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference of the
Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence,
- 73
- R. Montague (1973)
The proper treatment of quantification in ordinary English.
In J. Hintikka, J. Moravcsik & P. Suppes, eds.
Approaches to Natural Language: Proceedings of the 1970 Stanford
Workshop on Grammar and Semantics. Dordrecht: Reidel, 221-242.
Reprinted in Montague (1974) 247-270.
- 74
- R. Montague (1974)
Formal Philosophy.
New Haven: Yale University Press.
- 75
- B.H. Partee
Some transformational extensions of Montague Grammar.
Journal of Philosophical Logic 2, 509-534.
- 76
- B.H. Partee
, ed. (1976)
Montague Grammar.
New York: Academic Press.
- 77
- B.H. Partee
& M.
Generalized conjunction and type ambiguity.
In R. Bauerle, Ch. Schwarze & A. von Stechow, eds.
Meaning, Use and Interpreation of Language,
Berlin: de Gruyter, 361-383.
- 78
- G.K. Pullum
How many possible human languages are there?
Linguistic Inquiry 14, 447-467.
- 79
- G.K. Pullum
& G. Gazdar (1982)
Natural languages and context-free languages.
Linguistics & Philosophy 4, 471-504.
Reprinted in Walter J. Savitch, Emmon Bach, William Marsh
and Gila Safran-Naveh, eds.
The Formal Complexity of Natural Language,
Dordrecht: Reidel, 138-182 (1987).
- 80
- R. Reiter
A logic for default reasoning.
Artificial Intelligence 13, 81-132.
- 81
- R. Rustin, ed. (1973)
Natural Language Processing.
New York: Algorithmics Press.
- 82
- I.A. Sag
English relative clause constructions.
Journal of Linguistics 33, 431-484.
- 83
- I.A. Sag
& T. Wasow
Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction.
Stanford: CSLI Publications.
- 84
- G. Sampson
The Form of Language.
Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
- 85
- Y. Schabes (1990)
Computational and Mathematical Studies of Lexicalized Grammars.
University of Pennsylvania, technical report.
- 86
- S.M. Shieber
An Introduction to Unification-based Approaches to Grammar
Stanford: CSLI.
- 87
- S. Soames (1979)
A projection problem for speaker presuppositions.
Linguistic Inquiry 10, 623-666.
- 88
- R.P. Stockwell
, P.Schachter & B.H. Partee
The Major Syntactic Structures of English.
New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
- 89
- R.H. Thomason
Symbolic Logic: An Introduction.
Toronto: Macmillan.
- 90
- H.S.
Natural language processing: a critical
analysis of the structure of the field, with some implications for parsing,
in Karen Sparck Jones & Yorick A. Wilks, eds.
Automatic Natural Language Parsing,
Chichester/New York: Ellis Horwood/Wiley, 22-31.
- 91
- D.S. Touretzky
The Mathematics of Inheritance Systems.
Los Altos: Morgan Kaufmann.
- 92
- L. Valiant
A theory of the learnable.
Communications of the ACM 27, 1134-1142.
- 93
- R.A. van der Sandt
Context and Presupposition.
London: Croom Helm.
- 94
- K. Vijay-Shanker
& Yves Schabes (1992)
Structure sharing in lexicalized tree-adjoining grammar.
COLING-92, 205-211.
- 95
- K. Vijay-Shanker
& D.J. Weir
The equivalence of four extensions of context-free grammars.
Mathematical Systems Theory 27, 511-546.
- 96
- Y. Wilks
Grammar, Meaning and the Machine Analysis of Language.
London: Academic Press.
- 97
- D.M. Wilson
Presupposition and Non-truth-conditional Semantics.
London: Academic Press.
- 98
- T. Winograd
Understanding Natural Language.
New York: Academic Press.
- 99
- M.McG.
Categorial Grammars.
London: Routledge.
- 100
- The XTAG Research Group (1995)
A lexicalized tree adjoining grammar for English.
Technical Report IRCS Report 95-03, The Institute for Research in
Cognitive Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania.
- 101
- A.M.
(1986) German adjective agreement.
Linguistics 24, 957-990.
Copyright © Ted Briscoe & Gerald Gazdar, Wednesday 2 May 2001