Ted Briscoe
Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, New Museums Site,
Pembroke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QG, UK
Gerald Gazdar
Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
This document is an expurgated, edited but unabbreviated version of an interview that Ted Briscoe conducted with Gerald Gazdar in Cambridge on 3rd November, 2000. The interview was recorded on minidisks and expertly transcribed by Tricia Roussel. The purpose of the interview was to generate a chapter for Keith Brown, Vivien Law & R.H. Robins, eds. Linguistics in Britain: Personal Histories to be published by the Philological Society some time early in the 21st century. Space considerations dictate that that volume will contain less than 20% of the present document.
Keywords: presupposition, pragmatics, generalized phrase structure grammar, GPSG, syntax, coordination, lexical knowledge representation, lexicon, DATR, inheritance, defaults, natural language processing