
Version 3 (modified by hales, 5 years ago) (diff)


Project Topics for Karel Pepper

The following list presents ideas to be developed with Karel Pepper, the robot

List of topics

  1. Domain-oriented dialog
  2. Task-oriented activity
  3. Interactive game
  4. Activity analyzer
  5. Broadening the concept lexicon
  6. Simulation Environments for Pepper

Domain-oriented dialog

The most common application, which broadens the communication skills of Karel Pepper, is a domain-oriented or task-oriented dialog.

See also dialog_translations_czc for translating the English dialogs in Pepper.

Task-oriented activity

The robot is capable of moving to a specified location, analyzing its camera views, looking for people or objects, grasping light objects with a hand etc.

Interactive game

Robot can play various games, either word games or games interacting via its tablet.

Activity analyzer

Within the process of increasing the number of Karel's applications, a reporting tool is needed which would aggregate and organize information about the robot's daily life.

Broadening the concept lexicon

The robot dialogs share common concepts which are advantageously shared within a lexicon. The Czech lexicon can be partly generated from various resources with manual adding of useful phrases.

Simulation Environments for Pepper

There are various software simulation environments that support Pepper - the original Choregraphe tool by Softbank, MORSE, or Gazebo. The task is to test them and choose the best one for running Pepper simulations without the robot.

See also a paper about open simulation environment for Pepper.