
modRana summary changelog

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* modRana V0.50 *

  • Fri Jan 02 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.50.4
  • the actual Python 2.5 compatibility fixes
  • Thu Jan 01 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.50.3
  • Python 2.5 compatibility fixes
  • Thu Jan 01 2015 Martin Kolman - 0.50.2
  • first official modRana release for Android! :)
  • make theme parsing more robust
  • fix window sizing regression on Sailfish OS
  • Wed Dec 31 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.50.1
  • layer timeout support (Frederic Ferner)
    • dynamic map layers (traffic, weather, etc.) now automatically load new tiles once the oled ones time out
    • not yet handles staring at the same part of map for hours
    • you need to move the map a bit so that the tiles are requested again & refetched
  • support for setting network usage mode in Qt 5 GUI (Frederic Ferner)
    • max - unlimited network usage
    • minimal - no automatic tile download
  • Thanks a lot to Frederic for these nice two patches! :)
  • fix text sizing on icon grid
  • fix compass rose display with qrc (Android)
    • it still does not rotate on Android some reason :)

* modRana V0.49 *

  • Sat Nov 01 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.12
  • add missing qt5-qtsensors dependency on Fedora
  • Sat Nov 01 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.11
  • fix Qt 5 GUI icon & naim in desktop file on Fedora
  • Sat Nov 01 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.10
  • add the qt5-qtquickcontrols dependency on Fedora
  • Sat Nov 01 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.9
  • fix the modrana-gtk startup script on Fedora
  • Fri Oct 31 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.8
  • exclude Monav binaries from the Fedora package
  • Thu Oct 23 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.7
  • fix the compass rose not showing up in the Qt 5 GUI on Sailfish OS
  • Tue Oct 21 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.6
  • generate correct (Python 3.4) bytecode for the Sailfish OS package
    • makes modRana Python part startup almost 2 times faster (~3.8s->~2s) ! :)
  • make location and map page in Qt 5 GUI asynchronous
    • this should make the startup even faster and more seemless
  • add a fade in & out animation for the startup indicator in Qt 5 GUI
  • Sun Oct 19 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.5
  • fix a typo breaking modRana startup on Sailfish OS
  • Sat Oct 18 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.4
  • support for keeping screen on for Sailfish OS
    • enabled by default
    • can be turned on/off in Options->UI
  • fully asynchronous Qt 5 GUI startup
    • the Qt 5 GUI startup should now be faster and feedback is provided to the user during the whole startup
    • the Bitcon button now works again in the Qt 5 GUI
  • the Gratipay donation button has been added to the Qt 5 GUI
  • fixed sizes & font sizes of donation buttons
  • modRana now supports log file compression with gzip
    • preliminary testing shows about 60% log size reduction when enabled :)
    • GTK GUI: Options->Debug->Logging
    • Qt 5 GUI: Options->Logging
  • print full path to the log file when disabling it
  • average speed is now displayed correctly
  • add support for passing CLI arguments when using the Qt 5 GUI
  • the compass rose in Qt 5 GUI no longer wiggles when pointing close to the northern direction
  • fix shutdown handler not triggering on Sailfish OS
  • fix Qt GUI log and Qt 5 GUI qml log names
  • fix speed statistics centering in Qt 5 GUI
  • fix version string wrapping in Qt 5 GUI
  • Wed Oct 08 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.3
  • add a map screen compass rose
    • it can be turned on/off and its opacity changed in Options->UI
  • Sun Oct 05 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.2
  • remove a file breaking build
  • Sun Oct 05 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.49.1
  • use the Python logging module for all logging in modRana
    • so we now have nice logging levels, module indicators and messages from threads look nice :)
    • also the log file has timestamps and does not mis any early log messages
    • unlike before, log messages are both in log file _and_ in console
    • and the Qt 5 GUI even forwards all log messages to the Python log :)
    • the log file can be enabled and disabled from the Qt 5 GUI
    • there is also full path to the log displayed in the Qt 5 GUI
  • it is now possible to use the volume rocker for map zoom on Sailfish OS
  • the Options->Map screen in QT 5 GUI now shows path to the map data folder and free space in the folder
  • it is now possible to tell modRana to always start in fullscreen
  • it is now posible to tell modRana to always show a quit button in the main menu in GTK GUI
  • tunables have been exportend for various modRana mechanisms in the GTK GUI
    • the main aim is to enable users to debug or workaround crashes that have been reported on the N900
    • auto dl thread count, batch dl thread count, auto dl queue size, in memory tile cache size, Sqlite tile database commit period
    • use with care and report you findings! :)
  • the Sqlite tile database now logs number of commited tiles
  • various code cleanum and refactoring

* modRana V0.48 *

  • Mon Jul 28 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.48.2
  • add a missing module to the Sailfish OS package
  • Mon Jul 28 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.48.1
  • added persistent overlay configuration support in Qt 5 GUI
  • aproximate batch download size is now displayed during batch download in GTK GUI
  • location debuging support in Qt 5 GUI
  • fixed zoom level not being saved in Qt 5 GUI
  • fixed current track logging settings not being displayed properly in GTK GUI
  • fixed URL for the map layer

* modRana V0.47 *

  • Tue Jun 17 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.47.3
  • move bundled modules to the bundle directory
    • this should make unbundling on platfors that have the modules (Fedora, etc.) easier
  • remove some more bundled modules from the Sailfish OS package
  • Tue Jun 17 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.47.2
  • add local search support to the Qt 5 GUI
  • sort local search results by initial distance in Qt 5 GUI
  • show search results on the map in Qt 5 GUI
  • highlight the result that was selected in result list in red on map in Qt 5 GUI
  • Sun Jun 08 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.47.1
  • the QtQuick? GUI now downloads new tiles asynchronously
    • much faster asynchronous tile loading !
    • no more synchronous tile download stalls !
    • no more GUI freezes when starting modRana without connectivity !
    • tiles currently on the screen have a diwnload priority (LiFo? download queue)
    • if the queue is full, old download requests that are probably no longer visible are dropped
    • proper tile download error hanling & retry support
    • proper tile download feedback
    • tile handling debug support
  • fix tiles stuck on "Downloading"/"Loading" in GTK GUI
  • fix weird tile loading artifacts in overlay mode in the GTK GUI
  • remove all Cloudmade layers as they were discontinue in the first half of May
  • change Sailfish OS profile folder name to harbour-modrana and migrate all data to the new folders
    • this is fully automatic and no user interaction is needed
    • this makes modRana Harbour compliant in regards to profile paths

* modRana V0.46 *

  • Sun Apr 20 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.46.5
  • fix saving of local search results to POI database
  • fix batch download breaking for some batches
  • Thu Apr 17 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.46.4
  • don't include the backported Urllib 3 and argparse in the Sailfish package
  • Thu Apr 17 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.46.3
  • disable tile id debugging in pinchmap that was left on by mistake
  • Thu Apr 17 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.46.2
  • fix tile URL generation for one of the providers
  • Wed Apr 16 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.46.1
  • local search works again thanks to a patch provided by Geoff Kuenning - thanks a lot ! :)
  • it is now possible to set local search radius in the GTK GUI (in options and directly in the search menu with a toggle button)
  • map display and dragging should now be faster
  • automatic map tile downloading has been rewritten and should be now more efficient
  • batch tile download has been rewritten and improved - should be now more efficient and faster
  • the tile hnadling code is now in much better shape overall
  • the batch tile menu in GTK GUI no longer lags and has a more logical structure
  • fix tile downloading not working in Sailfish GUI due to Python 3.4 breaking old bundled version of Urllib 3

* modRana V0.45 *

  • Tue Mar 11 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.7
  • fix the and mtbmap layers not showing up in the map layer menu
  • Sun Mar 09 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.6
  • also show scroll decorator on the map layer selector in Sailfish GUI
  • Sun Mar 09 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.5
  • fix speed display page in Qt 5/Sailfish GUI
  • show distance from current position for all search results in Qt 5/Sailfish GUI
  • show scroll decorators for most pages in Sailfish GUI
  • Sun Mar 02 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.4
  • fix theme color parsing on GTK GUI
    • looks like the Silica theme broke it :)
  • Tue Feb 25 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.3
  • make page header look more native on Sailfish OS
  • tweak landscape and potrait page header size in Qt 5 GUI
  • also make it dependent on back button usage (back button needs thicker header)
  • Tue Feb 25 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.2
  • make sure persistent options are saved after every set in Qt 5 GUI
    • as there seem to be issues with clean shutdow for icon launched packages on Sailfish OS
  • Tue Feb 25 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.45.1
  • add support for map layer switching for the Qt 5 GUI
  • Qt 5 GUI list view visual tweeks
    • better list item background coloring
    • proper spacing

* modRana V0.44 *

  • Sat Feb 22 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.8
  • fix links not showing up on the About page in the Qt 5 GUI
  • Sat Feb 22 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.7
  • fix version display with Qt 5 GUI
  • Sat Feb 22 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.6
  • fix version display
  • Sat Feb 22 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.5
  • use correct storage path for config files (respect device module override)
  • Sun Feb 16 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.4
  • add online search support
    • address search using Nominatim
    • Wikipedia search using Geonames
  • Tue Jan 28 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.3
  • add missing libsailfishapp-launcher depency (provides the sailfish-qml utility)
  • Sun Jan 26 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.2
  • device modules now can override profile folder path
    • and also cache folder path
  • use XDG paths when running on Sailfish OS
    • main pofile is now in ~/.config/modrana
    • maps, routing data, POIs and tracklogs are in ~/.local/share/modrana
    • ./.cache/modrana is used for caching
    • and if enabled, debug logs go to ~/Public/modrana_debug_logs
  • Fri Jan 24 2014 Martin Kolman - 0.44.1
  • added new Qt5+PyOtherSide? based GUI
    • supports multiple QML components sets as backends
    • the Silica component set can be used on Sailfish to provide a native look
    • the Controls set, a post 5.1 Qt built-in, can be used on desktop and elsewhere
    • the GUI is almost fully asynchornous so it should be even more repsonsive than the Qt4 QML GUI
    • much shorter startup time due to PyOtherSide? usage
    • based on QtQuick? 2.0, so fully hardware accelerated
  • new theme named Silica
    • primarily aimed for use on Sailfish OS, but can be also used to provide a slight Sailfish like look on other platforms
  • more white monochromatic icons for the Silica and Night themes
  • Jolla device module

* modRana V0.43 *

released: 14.08.2013

  • Mon Sep 30 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.4
  • fix python-protobuf dependency
    • looks newer version is needed for Monav routing server
  • only import Monav support once actually needed
    • should shorten startup a little bit
    • in case Monav support fails to load, the route module should still load fine
  • use conic based connectivity detection on Fremantle
  • Sun Sep 29 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.3
  • don't crash if a filesystem path can't be created
  • fix online routing not respecting route parameters
    • current mode is now correctly taken into account
    • "avoid highways" and "avoid toll roads" works correctly again
  • convert Wikipedia search to the new asynchronous provider framework
  • convert local search to the new asynchronous provider framework
  • address, Wikipedia and local search wait for Internet connectivity
    • and enable it if needed
  • local search also waits for GPS, if needed
    • and will enable it, provided it is not turned of in options
  • local search now initializes GPS and Internet in parallel
    • this should speed up local search triggered from CLI
    • provided GPS and Internet is not yet initialized when triggered
  • CLI search debugging option
    • disables stdout suppression
  • add (hopefully) cross platform connectivity checking
  • the "search" button in the Fremantle app menu on the N900 now goes to the main search page
  • the modRana standard output now contains current Python version during startup
    • for easier debugging of Python version specific issues
  • fix routing to local search results
  • make "clear results" work for Address and Wikipedia search results
  • make "clear all" in the main search menu clear all results
  • tile storage type can now be selected in the QML GUI
    • in Options->Map
  • add a directions fix from Geoff Kuenning - thanks! :)
  • Tue Sep 10 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.2
  • fix the annoying "Xlib: unexpected async reply" error
    • thanks to Geoff Kuening for helping to find the root cause ! :)
  • fix navigation messages when using Monav offline routing
    • no more "None to First Street" :)
  • fix route OSD menu
  • reverse geocoding now uses Nominatim instead of Google
  • start and destination address display takes aspect ratio into account
  • Wed Aug 14 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.43.1
  • address search now works again in GTK GUI
  • the QML GUI now supports address search
  • the address search service was switched from Google to Nominatim
  • the QML GUI should now handle high-DPI screens properly
  • the design of the QML GUI was improved in some places to be more consistent
  • multipple background worker threads can be now cancelled individually
  • modRana now uses 4 space indentation :)

* modRana V0.42 *

released: 13.07.2013

  • Sat Jul 13 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.42.1
  • add batch tile redownload & update
    • accessible from the "Edit" submenu in batch dl menu
    • redownload ON -> download all tiles, even when locally available
    • redownload OFF (default) -> download only tiles that are not locally available
    • redownload update -> download only tiles that ARE locally available
  • add 32bit (i386) Monav routing server binary by jperon - Thanks !
    • this should make offline routing on 32bit x86 machines possible
  • preliminary support for high DPI screens in QML GUI
  • fix online routing not respecting directions language
  • fix tracebacks with some routes from Monav offline routing

* modRana V0.41 *

released: 04.05.2013

  • Thu May 09 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.41.2
  • fix modRana not showing monav routing data packs
  • if map folder path is redirected by config file option, the monav routing data folder is also using the redirected path
  • new option for disabling (almost) all animations in QML GUI
    • the option is in Options->UI
    • when enabled, page switching becomes ridiculously fast, even on the N900 :)
    • dialog animations are still ON, as there doesn't seem to be a clear way of switching them OFF
  • Sat May 04 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.41.1
  • modRana is now Python 3 compatible
    • Python 2.5 compatibility was of course preserved
    • as a result, modRana still works just fine with Python 2.5 on the N900
    • Python 3 compatibility should enable packaging modRana for BlackBerry? 10
  • Android compatibility
    • modRana with the QML GUI now works on Android
    • Android device module has been added
    • installable APKs are available
    • APK generation script was added to the modRana packaging scripts
    • map data are stored in /sdcard/modrana/maps
  • QML GUI improvements
    • theme switching support
    • night theme for the QML GUI
    • the menu button can now show current mode, as in GTK GUI
    • thanks to Wikiwide for the idea & icons ! :)
    • finally some buttons in Options (related to theme switching & menu icon configuration)
    • fixed centering to the middle of the Atlantic at startup (center on Brno instead :) )
    • fixed main map icon now shows only one map layer
  • automatic tile downloading in GTK GUI should now be faster due to connection reuse provided by Urllib 3
  • new POI icon
  • various fixes

* modRana V0.40 *

released: 24.3.2013

  • Sun Apr 14 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.3
  • GTK GUI: pottentially faster automatic & batch tile download
    • and other activities, such as online lookups, that use threads
    • looks like gobject.init_threads() and gtk.init_threads() was not called before gtk.main()
    • as result, Python threads might have run only when some GTK events happened
    • this would explain why modRana sometimes downloaded tiles slower with blanked screen
  • QML GUI: new nested map laer selection dialog that shows all layers
    • it now shares with the GTK GUI the same data model
    • as result, both GUI now should show the same list of layers
  • Tue Mar 26 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.2
  • add new coordinate substitution method for layers using quadtree/quadkey addressing
  • add the VE UKOS layer
  • Sun Mar 24 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.40.1
  • map overlay support in QML GUI
    • based on a patch by Wikiwide - thanks ! :)
    • multiple overlays can be used at the same time
    • per-layer opacity setting
    • nice overlay configuration UI
    • there is no hard limit on number of overlays at once
      • too many layers at once might slow down the application though :)
    • overlay configuration is not yet persistent
  • pretty print map layer loading status
    • also make sure they don't overlap when overlays are used
  • long back-button press now returns to map screen
  • some new map layers were added to the QML map layer selector
    • eventually it should use the same layer list as the GTK GUI
  • fix some warnings at startup
  • theme and mode are now exposed by the "modrana" QML context property

* modRana V0.39 *

released: 31.12.2012

  • Mon Mar 18 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.11
  • Maemo autobuilder test rebuild
  • Mon Mar 18 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.10
  • initial map layer and map layer group objects
  • Sun Mar 17 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.9
  • massive map layer update ! :)
    • new OpenStreetMap? layers
      • Mapnik b/w
      • Landscape
      • no labels
      • labels (en)
      • Hike and Bike
      • OpenTopoMap?
      • Land Shading
    • CloudMade? Layers
      • The Original
      • Fine Line
      • Red Alert
      • Midnight Commander
      • Fresh
      • No-Names (shows unnamed roads and streats in OSM)
      • Pale Dawn
      • Tourist
      • Blackout
      • Thin
      • Cycle Walk
    • CloudMade? 2x
      • same layers, double-sized text and roads
      • good for high-DPI screens
      • autoatlas
      • touristic
      • cyklomap
      • skimap
      • public transit
    • new Google layers
      • traffic
      • traffic overlay
      • traffic overlay labeled
      • public transit
      • weather Clesius
      • weather Fahrenheit
      • terrain
      • terrain only (no labels)
    • Czech layers
      • amapy Tourist layer
    • OpenSignal? (mobile networg coverage)
      • all overlay
    • Yandex
      • maps
      • satellite
      • overlay
  • added new coordinate tile coordinate substitution method
  • Mon Mar 11 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.8
  • remember zoomlevel in QML GUI
  • Tue Mar 05 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.7
  • map layer update
    • Virtual Earth Satellite - Thanks Wikiwide ! :)
  • Fri Feb 22 2013 Martin Kolman - 0.39.6
  • map layer updates
    • updated URL to Montina bike map (the map now also ocvers most of Europe)
    • added layer
    • added International submarine cable map layer
  • make sure the log file is automatically flushed if stdout is redirected
  • Mon Dec 31 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.39.4
  • fix missing import in N9 device module causing crash at startup
  • fix QtMobility debugging being always enabled
  • Mon Dec 31 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.39.3
  • move fix status to the header on the Location info page
  • use black text on blue background for the page headers
  • new info icon
  • QML GUI: only import QtMobility once Application is instantiated
    • this fixes some DBUS warnings that might conflict with CLI output
  • Mon Dec 31 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.39.2
  • fix local search & static map URL regression on Fremantle
  • fix some warnings spamming stdout for --return-current-coordinates on Harmattan
  • add icon attribution file
  • Mon Dec 31 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.39.1
  • reworked QML GUI that should be less dependent on Harmattan Qt Components
    • all components are now locally available
    • only a toplevel PageStackWindow is used from Harmattan Components
  • QML GUI improvements
    • new Location info page (shows details location information)
    • new Speed info page (shows current speed + average & max speed)
    • new map screen icons
    • uses the inverted theme by default
  • fix --get-current-coordinates not working with QtMobility on Harmattan
  • fix address2address routing not working
  • fix the upper left minimize button interfering with the back-button in QML GUI @ Fremantle

* modRana V0.38 *

released: 27.11.2012

  • Tue Nov 27 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.38.2
  • make QtMobility dependency optional on Nemo
    • the python-qtmobility package is not yet in Nemo core, so modRana should work even without it
    • without QtMobility, screen blanking control won't work
    • at the moment, location doesn't work on Nemo anyway
  • Sun Nov 25 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.38.1
  • map grid now shows meridian & parallel labels
  • scalebar and its label are now properly themed
  • the centering button is now better visible in the night theme
  • fixed fast map dragging making clicking on-screen button difficult

* modRana V0.37 *

released: 15.11.2012

  • Sun Nov 25 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.28
  • add meridian/parallel grid display support
    • can be enabled in options->Map->Grid
    • configurable grid color
  • Sat Nov 24 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.27
  • remove an unintended PIL import
  • Sat Nov 24 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.26
  • dynamically generate the list as valid device module ids
  • Fri Nov 23 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.25
  • add missing python-imaging dependency for Fremantle
  • Fri Nov 23 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.24
  • fix startup script permissions for Fremantle, Nemo and Fedora
  • Fri Nov 23 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.23
  • include Nemo startup scripts
  • Fri Nov 23 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.22
  • negative map tile filter - thanks Rotoflex for the idea ! :)
    • can be enabled in options->Map->Filters
    • states: enabled/disabled/with night mode
    • works fine with map overlay
    • known issue: doesn't work well with transparent layers at the moment
  • Nemo device module
  • Wed Nov 21 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.20
  • fixes based on COBS RPMLINT output
  • Tue Nov 20 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.19
  • more clean & robust modRana module imports (thanks to Martin Sivak for the suggestion!)
  • general code cleanup
  • Thu Nov 15 2012 Martin Kolman - 0.37.5
  • merged Wikiwides Handmade routing
  • reworked routing on-screen menu
  • it is now possible to route through waypoints in online routing
  • layer group support (in the layer selection menu)
    • this enables seamless addition of more layers
  • 3 new map layers from Stamen Design
    • Toner
    • Waterocolor
    • Terain - USA only
  • 2 new public transport layers
    • Opnvkarte
    • transparent public transport overlay
  • new toplevel tracklogs menu
    • enables easy clearing of all visible tracklogs
  • icon update for search presets
  • fix back icon appearance in route profile detail menu
  • the centering button is now 50% transparent
  • fix online elevation lookup
  • Handmade route length fix by Wikiwide - thanks ! :)
  • QML GUI now can set mode

* modRana V0.36 *

released: 09.10.2012

  • it is now possible to set Espaek volume .1
    • can be set up to about 10x higher than the default value
    • higher values might cause some distortion
  • improved offline routing turn detection .1
  • it is now possible to download tiles around current route .1
  • better feedback for download around track .1
  • when imperial units are used, yards now serve as the default small unit .1
    • yards/feet can be switched in Options
  • fix wrong batch download storage path .1
  • general fixes and code cleanup .1
  • fix recurring (harmless) error message if using GPSD & GPSD itself is not running .2
  • fix static-map-url local search not returning any results when using the "geo:" prefix for location coordinates .3
  • fix voice otuput with manual parameters not working .3
  • fix CSV export of the POI database not working .4
  • add missing python-dbus dependency for Fremantle package .5
  • improved Monav offline routing turn annoucements .6
    • left, right, u-turns & their variations are now properly announced

* modRana V0.35 *

released: 09.09.2012

  • initial Monav offline routiong support .1
    • turn sugestions .5
    • turn-by-turn directions .6
  • new CLI option: --return-current-coordinates .4
  • fix modRana not starting up due to missing monav_data folder .7
  • fix missing python-protobuf dependency .8
  • fix offline routing failing when used for the first time .9
  • fix QML GUI crashing on startup .10
  • fix weird select-one-item menu behaviour with per-mode-options .11
  • fix potential issue with fast map dragging mode .12
  • fix not getting online walking directions in the "Foot" mode .13
  • add a "swap" button to the Address routing menu - for swapping the start and destination .13

* modRana V0.34 *

released: 08.08.2012

  • more efficient and robust track logging .1
    • logging is incremental and does not slow down as the tracklog gets longer .1
    • logging to two separate temporary files for more robustness against software or device crash .1
    • modRana check for temporary tracklog files from last session on startup and exports them to GPX .1
  • fix logging trace not displaying properly .1
    • drawing the logging trace should now be also more efficient .1
  • the distict color selector now has captions in the target colors .1

* modRana V0.33 *

released: 21.07.2012

  • automatic rerouting .1
  • faster online routing .1
  • various routing fixes .1
  • less verbose TTS debugging messages .1

* modRana V0.32 *

released: 15.06.2012

  • CLI interface .1
    • zoomlevel, centering & focus can be set by CLI parameters
    • CLI search
      • local, address & wikipedia search are supported
      • show results in modRana or return a static map URL
      • proper success/error codes
    • use --help to list available options
      • includes usage examples
  • automatic device detection .1
  • LAST_KNOWN_POSITION keyword .4
  • Wikiwides improvements - thanks ! :
    • hide POI label under on higher zoomlevels .5
  • N900: GPS hotfix .5
  • add missing python-hildon dependency .6
  • faster routing with separate geocoding .7

* modRana V0.31 *

released: 15.05.2012

(released to Extras-devel)

  • preliminary QML GUI
  • improved tile loading
  • show all POI button - thanks Wikipwide !
  • visible POI are saved on shutdown & restored at startup
  • clickable links
  • Wikipedia article has a clickable link to full article
  • improved icons
  • fix link opening
  • various other fixes

* modRana V0.30 *

released: 03.04.2012

(released in the form of preview packages only to test the GUI separation, new packaging system and QML GUI)

  • initial QML GUI
  • faster tile download
  • fix track logging
  • correctly handle zero-length tracklogs
  • fix download-along tracklog
  • fix screen redrawing in GTK GUI
  • show proper window header in QML GUI
  • better layer selection dialog in QML GUI
  • fix point selection in P2P routing in GTK GUI
  • fix appearance of point selection buttons in GTK GUI
  • link to the whole Wikipedia article can be opened from modRana in GTK GUI
  • clickable links for the About screen in GTK GUI
  • fix listable menu for Wikiepdia search results
  • make-all-POI-visible button, thanks Wikiwide !
  • improved About menu in QML GUI
  • save & restore visible POI

* modRana V0.29 *

  • Wikipedia search (via Geonames)
    • results include a 300 character abstract, accessible by clicking the on map label
  • Wikipedia and address search results can now be used for routing and saved to POI
    • multiple result handling
    • on map clickable labels
  • two click map layer selection
    • also used for the navigation language selection
  • fast mode switching by pressing the menu icon for 400+ms
  • values of option items can now depend on the current mode
    • EXAMPLE: disable map rotation when in cycle mode but enable it in car mode
    • it is possible to list all per mode states for an option
    • individual options can now be reset to their default values
  • better readable text in POI and Search result detail menus
  • fixed GPSD problems in latest SHR
  • fixed a few menus where pressing the back button would not trigger a jump to map screen
  • the height profile now shows imperial units on its Y-axis in imperial unit mode
  • various backend fixes and improvements

* modRana V0.28 *

  • new patch from Gkuenning
    • smart rounding of imperial units for voice output
    • fix for turn announcement triggers
    • unit conversion module improvements
    • improved substitution list & more efficient substitution code Thanks a lot ! :)
  • other improvements:
    • geocoding (address search) GUI - finally! :)
    • fix for Unicode characters showing only as boxes
    • more readable POI search result list & captions
    • track recording now works again
    • more logically placed cancel button for "in progress" operations

* modRana V0.27 *

  • patch for better handling of imperial units by Gkuenning - thanks ! :)
  • fix overlapping labels on height profile with imperial units
  • modRana now has a profile folder in /home/user/.modrana
  • configuration files are now in the profile folder
  • tracklogs are now in MyDocs/tracklogs
  • cleanup example tracklogs
  • properly use os.path.join in place of simple concatenation
  • general refactoring and code cleanup
  • remove GUI source files from installation package

* modRana V0.26 *

  • improved speed and time based patch by Gkuenning - thanks ! :)
  • assured sane turn announcements (between 10 and 20 s)
  • advanced distance rounding for shorter voice messages
  • enlarge pointReachedDistance if smaller than traveling speed per second (eq. modRana should no longer skip turns due to high speed)
  • fix missing python-simplejson dependency
  • patch by Gkuenning that adds speed and time based navigation voice message triggering - thanks a lot ! :)
  • fix overlaid labels on route profile
  • fix big route profile labels not being visible
  • decrease GPS fix latency (both liblocation & GPSD)
  • new GPSD protocol support
  • support for folder based modules

* modRana V0.25 *

  • map rotation is now optimized - only tiles that are really visible will be now loaded and drawn
  • map overlay has also been optimized - it should be now as fast as a normal single-layer map, thanks to caching
  • line wrapping & bigger font for turn-by-turn navigation
  • progress on the current route is now shown for turn-by-turn navigation
  • more visible buttons for turn-by-turn navigation
  • the About screen in the Info submenu now contains contact information for the modRana project
  • a few new icons were added
  • there is now a "EV charging" preset in POI search
  • fixed a few notification that were not showing up
  • the text-to-speach CLI string can now be interactively edited after switching to manual mode in Options->Sound->Voice
  • added a missing dependency on python-hildon
  • added a "Dr.\" should now be correctly substituted for "Drive" in voice output

* modRana V0.24 *

  • fix needless redrawing in centered mode slowing down map rendering
  • fix GUI not redrawing after pressing buttons
  • new way of loading tiles which gives priority to currently visible tiles first
  • lowered default number of automatic tile download threads to lessen I/O load
  • new info menu with an About submenu showing current version :)
  • better N900 integration
    • proper App-Menu which enables fast access to often used features (centering, map rotation, etc.)
    • volume keys are now used for zooming by default
    • modRana now uses Hildon banners for notifications
    • zoom feedback using a Hildon banner
  • sound can now be turned ON and OFF
  • saving of automatically downloaded map tiles can be now turned off

* modRana V0.23 *

  • new optional map dragging technique, which is a lot faster but not so pretty as the default one
  • support for long pressing buttons
  • long press of the escape button (green arrow in upper left corner) switches directly to the map screen
  • configurable threshold for disabling centering by dragging the map
  • startup timing
  • fixed broken list scrolling in options
  • fixed black screen at startup caused by the new shifted centering code

* modRana V0.22 *

  • tapping on buttons no longer disables centering
  • map movement is now properly synchronized with position indicator movement(while centering is on)
  • support for centered icons that use a nice themeable background
  • properly sized icons to avoid needless resizing
  • reworked button text rendering
  • proper spaceport icon
  • fixed text entry not working in fullscreen\* fixed usability issues with text entry popups

-> tapping outside the popup no longer saves popup content -> tapping outside the popup also cancels POI adding, if in progress -> previously entered text is now highlighted by default

* modRana V0.21 *

  • don't redraw on background
  • add theme support + an example "night" theme
  • ensure routing start while moving
  • cache cairo drawn icons to improve performance
  • center text on icons
  • add a 64x64 icon
  • enable navigation box hiding
  • add previous/next turn buttons

* modRana V0.20 *

  • optimized map drawing
    • all time consuming tile related operations (loading, sending download requests,...) were moved to a separate thread
    • there is now a limit on the number of concurrent automatic tile download threads
  • sequential sqlite access. which might fix some of the "database locked" issues
  • shutdown should be now more robust and better logged
  • fixed button hiding not working correctly
  • SHR@NEO FreeRunner:
    • fixed wrong speed being displayed in SHR on the Neo FreeRunner?
    • gpsd output speed toggle (knots per second in gpsd vs meters per second in FSO-gpsd) in options->GPS

* modRana V0.19 *

  • N900: multi mode screen blanking control (always on, while moving, while moving in fullscreen, while in fullscreen, with GPS fix,..)
  • use Russian voice for street names that contain Cyrillic literals
  • navigation is now auto-started by default
  • initial dbus support
  • fix wrong speed being displayed for metric units
  • fix weird behavior occurring after searching for extremely long roads (like Moscow-Honolulu :)
  • fix last directions step message not being displayed
  • Ubuntu 10.04: fix crash on startup caused by missing device module
  • fix directions CSV rules only being used once and not accepting Unicode

* modRana V0.18 *

  • asynchronous online service access
  • multilingual directions and voice navigation

* modRana V0.17 *

  • improved POI functionality - finally ! :)
    • store current position, place on the map, local search results or manually specified POI
    • easy route finding from the current position to a POI
    • show POI on the map
    • categories
    • old POI import
    • CSV export
    • can share database with Mappero (optional)
  • all routes now show the route info button on the map screen
  • improved terminal output logging
    • creates a new log fail for each modRana session (provided that logging is enabled in options->debug->log stdout
  • many small improvements

* modRana V0.16 *

  • optional sqlite tile storage - especially usefull on FAT32 like filesystems
    • tiles are stored in a single file
    • this avoids small tiles taking up many large clusters
    • tiles should therefore take up much less space than when storing to files and folders
  • special state tiles
  • batch tile download is now improved and faster
  • modRana stdout to file logging support

* modRana V0.15 *

  • automatic map rotation support
  • map scaling support (2X,4X)

* modRana V0.14 *

  • turn-by-turn navigation
  • espeak based voice navigation

* modRana V0.13 *

  • draw logging trace
  • distinct track coloring + manual color selection
  • folder based tracklog categories
  • more robust tracklog handling
  • valid and OSM compatible GPX output
  • better looking generic icons


  • default tile folder is now .maps in MyDocs
    • this makes modRana share maps with Mappero and Maep

* modRana V0.12 *

  • bugfix release

* modRana V0.11 *

  • GUI for track logging -> directly to a GPX file
  • tracklog cathegories
  • deleting tracklogs
  • ondemand tracklog loading => much faster aplication start
  • limit on the maximum number of in memmory tiles(user feedback - thanks)
  • netwok usage modes - full/partial(= no automatic tile dl)
  • slight improvements of the user interface
  • added new icons
  • new MTB layer for Czech republic

* modRana V0.10 *

  • now widget, showing remaining distance/time
  • imporoved OSD route profile widget
  • more intuitive tracklog visibility setting

* modRana V0.09 *

* modRana V0.08 *

  • text input
  • address routing
  • toll and highway avoidance

* modRana V0.07 *

  • map overlay support
  • route profile widget
    • activate a tracklog in tools -> set active
    • if upgrading from older version, delete the cache file on Neo in cache/tracklogs/tracklog_cache.txt
  • show current pozition on the route profile
  • the map should be show, even if these is no space left on the device

* modRana V0.06 *

  • the map is now more sharp and uninterrupted
  • GPS on the N900 was confirmed as working

* modRana V0.05 *

  • Neo FreeRunner package
  • TangoGPS compatible tile storage
  • map layer configuration in map_config.conf
  • improved batch tile download

* modRana V0.04 *

  • N900 GPS support
  • fully configurable user interface (using the user_config.conf config file)
    • each profile can have a custom UI
    • size and position of UI buttons and elements can be changed
    • size and position of information widgets can be configured
    • information widgets: time, speed, speed statistics, coordinates...
  • tiles folder can be set from the config file
    • on the N900 /home/user/MyDocs/modRana_tiles/, is used (to modify the tile folder path on N900, change it in the N900 section)
  • position indicator indicator
  • by using the first CLI argument, the current device type can signalized to modRana
    • for now, its is used mainly for N900 specific features or initial screen/window resolution
    • supported codes: n900, neo, n95, eee, q7, square, ipaq
  • potecially faster method for loading map tiles
  • improved threading support (thanks ivir for feedback)
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on Jan 4, 2015, 1:34:29 AM