Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#87 assigned enhancement

adjust zoom level automatically depending on speed

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: Martin Kolman
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: gps Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Martin Kolman

Status: newassigned

some remarks:

  • probably should be enabled only with centering or centering + navigation
  • how to compute the zoomlevel ?
    • up down from the zoomlevel it was started/which was set using the appropriate buttons ?
    • fixed zoomlevels for speed ranges ?
  • NOTE: continuous zoom, which might be available with the planned clutter based mapview, would be ideal for this
  • as no to confuse the users, the automatic zoomlevel switching should be accompanied by a notification - probably in the same style as used for routing/progress progress
  • after zooming up/down for the first time, map does not show up instantly, the tiles are loaded from storage or even downloaded from the network
    • so this either has to be faster
      • by using scaled tiles from the previous zoomlevel in place of the "loading" tiles ?
    • or preloading for adjacent zoomlevels is needed
  • make this configurable and default off
    • use some sensible defaults, eq. zoom up/down by one zoom level after a hardcoded speed increment/treshold is reached & make it dependent on current mode (as suggested by nordicnurse on TMO, thanks ! :)
  • how to easily enable & disable ?
    • long zoom (up or down, does not matter) press + "automatic zoom enabled" notification ?
Last edited 14 years ago by Martin Kolman (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by nordicnurse

An idea (is it too complicated?) Instead of using threshold to trigger zoom, it might be good idea to use it to trigger download. When download is ready, zoomlevel is changed. To get proper zoom at specific speed one might track acceleration. Greater the acceleration, lower the threshold. This might even get ICd to report whether edge/3G or whatnot is in use and take that in account when deciding to start downloading next zoomlevel. On modes: IMO walking doesn't need autozoom, biking might be limited to one or two levels that could be triggered without any acceleration sensitivity and car & train could use the same scheme. I'd advocate a buttom similar to 'center' to trigger autozooming, hence no dialogue box would be needed - just change the icon.

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