close Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/usr/local/svn/deb2-client does not appear to be a Subversion repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Version 8 (modified by Adam, 13 years ago) (diff)


DEBVisDic Server Setup

To setup the server you need to install Ubuntu packages debserver-common and debserver-debvisdic. For the setup of the DEB Server common part, see Server Setup guide. For detailed description of the DEB server administration interface, see the Documentation for Web admin interface.

Note: hostname means the domain name of your machine

Initial import of XML data

  • open https://''hostname'':8000 in your web-browser
  • default login/password is deb/deb (change it using the link change my password)
  • go to 'dictionaries'
  • create new dictionary (wncode should be wn+language code)::
       code: wncode
       name: My Wordnet
       class: WordNet
       root tag: SYNSET
       key: /SYNSET/ID
       packages (code/name): wncode1 / My WordNet
       click ''save''
  • the interface will offer Database doesn't exist. Import from XML, or create empty. If you choose to import the dictionary, you need to upload the XML (in DEBVisDic format) to the server and enter the path to XML file (in case of large wordnets, initial import can take hour or more)

Service setup

  • go to services
  • create new service:
       code: debvisdic
       name: DEBVisDic
       check the box next to WordNet dictionary code
       click ''save''


  • go to users
  • click on a username to edit this user or fill the form at the bottom of the page to add new users
  • check the box next to debvisdic and write w to the box next to Wordnet dictionary code

Starting the service

  • open console and run (as root or using sudo)
        /etc/init.d/debserver-common restart debvisdic
  • logfile is in /var/log/deb-server/debvisdic.log
  • you have to restart the service when you add new wordnet dictionary to debvisdic

Connecting from client

  • install client software as described in DEBVisDic manual
  • by default, client is connecting to NLP server, so cancel the login dialog
  • in DEBVisDic main window, select Settings -> Connection settings
  • use "https://hostname:9001/" as a server address
  • click Ok and login dialog should open asking for your password (if not, select User -> Relogin)
  • next time, when you run DEBVisDic, your server address will be used