EasyRoads3D V3 Manual


known Issues - Notes


Errors/warnings after package import

In Unity 2017 you may get GetBool and Broken text PPtr in file... errors/warnings after the package import. This has been discussed with the Unity devs. It is a known Unity issue related to prefab file ID's that have become invalid. The tool includes a fix for this that will be triggered as soon as the main road network object is selected in the hierarchy.


Overlapping road triangles near crossings

When the road angle with the crossing is too sharp, triangles may overlap. This especially happens at the start left of the road. A fix for now is to position the first marker nearby the crossing or reduce the angle of the road with the crossing.


Small gaps between the road and T Crossings

This is related to Crossings > General Settings > Activate Bending. It can happen after road network refreshes andupdating scene instances of a specific road type. The T crossing shape is reset and not following the road bend anymore. This issue will be fixed. For now moving the crossing a little bit will update it. Or you can switch of "Activate Bending" if you do not need this feature.


Roundabouts are not correctly connected to the first or last marker

For now avoid attaching a roundabout to the first or last marker of the selected road. Instead use the other way to create intersections, by selecting the crossing prefabs tab from the main EasyRoads3D Toolbar in the Inspector. Select the roundabout you want to instantiate from the list of available crossing prefabs, hold the SHIFT key and click in the scene where you want to position this roundabout. You can now connect roads to the prefab or start new roads by dragging the red roundabout connection handles. For full details click here.


Markers with Circular or Straight Controller types do not connect correctly with crossings

Avoid doing this, marker segments connected to crossings are adjusted for a smooth transition and therefor this will not work well with circular or straight controller types. This will be improved.


The Light Probes option is not working / the roads turn black after generating lightmaps

Lightmapping should work now but the results depend on the lightmap texture size and the length of the road.


Unselectable crossings and road markers

This can happen occasionally after instantiating a crossing prefab and removing it immediately afterwards. A temporary fix for this is, select the prefabs tab, instantiate a new crossing prefab and delete it. Markers and crossings should now be selectable again. Or you can try to deselect and reselect the road network object


Runtime API

This is related to road networks created with the runtime API. In order to preserve the original terrain data, make sure you backup your terrains! In general this works well but it has occured that the terrain was not restored after exiting PlayMode leaving the road shape in the terrain. This particularly happened when you put focus on the scene view window while in PlayMode. Please test this on your end and keep a backup of your terrain(s) if you intend to use the runtime API to generate road networks.


Side Object Scene View slider handles do not move smoothly or do not move at all

This can happen near markers and in areas with significant direction changes. For now zooming in more, moving the slider slowly or reselecting the slider can help. Improving this scene behaviour is on the list.

Also, the sliders are currently locked when the offset is 0. Enter a small value manually in the Inspector. Afterwards the sliders do work.


Missing Sidewalk and crossing corner presets

After reopening a scene saved Sidewalk and crossing presets are no longer available. This will be fixed


After splitting a road in two roads and selecting the first marker of the newly created road, the first marker of the original road is selected

When this happens you can simply click on the terrain to deselect the marker. Selecting it once again should work correctly. This will be looked into.


After Joining two roads side objects appear on the other side of the road

This happens when the markers of one of the two roads are reversed, basically the road points in the other direction. One thing to do here is to link identical side objects for the left and right side of the road.


Bumpy roads vs Circular Controller Type

When using values above 0.5 or below -0.5 for the Bumpiness Y offset on a circular segment, the road geometry may not be created correctly for that segment. The higher the value the more likely this will happen. This will be further optimized for now you can try moving the marker a little bit or reduce the bumpness values more towards 0 for that segment. Bumpiness values above 0.5 or below -0.5 are quite unusual for roads. But this can happen on a circular segment for, for example, a rather bumpy bike tracks.


Undo / Redo

Undo "Join two roads": This by itself works well, Undo/Redo should also work well unless this process is deeper in the undo stack. But, after Undo, one of the road shapes may not be updated. This will correct itself after moving a marker which is very likely to be a next step anyway. This will be looked in to.

When using Shift + J to join two roads, Undo works well but Redo may result in repetetive errors and can result in the material being reset. 2 Undo operations should resolve this.

Undo "Detach road from connection": At first sight this appears to work well but moving the connection object afterwards will not adjust the attached road. Deselect > Reselect the Road Network should fix that. This will be looked into.

Undo after Connection Prefab transform change: Attached roads may not be update when this operation is called from deeper in the undo stack. To fix this, select the connection prefab and move it a little bit so the attached roads update.

Undo after "Delete Connection": this is not yet functional

Undo after deselecting the road network: Performing Undo after deselecting the road network is unreliable. The changes will be undone but the road mesh may not update. To deal with this you can for now select the road and move a marker to force the update.

Build Mode: It is not recommended to use Undo after switching to Build Mode. Instead use "Back to Edit Mode" button to switch back to Edit Mode.


Dynamic Crossings , Sidewalks and I Connectors

For now avoid updating sidewalk settings on crossings when a road is attached with an I Connector on the other end. As a temporary workaround you can disconnect the road first from the I Connector, update the sidewalk and reconnect it to the I Connector afterwards.


Moving a crossing crashes Unity [Unity 5 Mesh Collider related - resolved in Unity 2017]

This can happen in a situation where a road is connected to a crossing on both ends. When moving one of the crossings in a way that the connected road overlaps one of the two crossings Unity may crash. This is an unlikely situation but can happen when reorganizing the road network layout. It seems related to the meshCollider component, we are looking into this.