EasyRoads3D V3 Manual


Getting Started


IMPORTANT: always check the Release Notes section for important information!

Download Files From www.unityterraintools.com

The zip file contains the following items:

1. EasyRoads3D.unityPackage
2. Manual
3. licence


Download Files From the Unity Asset Store

The v3 betas are part of the asset store download as a separate unity package. The _Readme file in the EasyRoads3D root directory includes more info.

Alternatively you can import the beta by deselecting all files in the import window after the download has finished. Keep the v3 beta package at the top selected. It will be imported in /Assets/EasyRoads3D/. Double click that file and the v3 beta import window will appear, import all files.


Import The Unity Package

Menu > Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...

This will open the file dialog window. Browse to the EasyRoads3D folder and select the EasyRoads3D.unityPackage.

All necessary assets will be imported in your project. A new menu item EasyRoads3D will be available in the top menu. Click on an empty area in the top menu bar if the EasyRoads3D menu item is not visible.


Create a new road network

After importing the package the following new menu item will be added to the main menu in the Unity Editor:

Main Menu > GameObject > 3D Object > EasyRoads3D > New Road Network

A new game object "Road Network" will be created in the scene hierarchy and auto selected. In the Inspector you will see the
EasyRoads3D v3 toolbar


EasyRoads3D Toolbar


The current beta requires activation with an EasyRoads3D Pro serial number (website version). If you have used the v2 package from our website before or the demo project, no activation is required. Otherwise you will see the activation box below.

Fill in your serial number, your name and email address and click the Register button. Save the scene and RESTART Unity after you received the confirmation that registration was successful.

Enter your invoice number if you purchased your copy from the Asset Store and click the Request Serial Number button. We will send your EasyRoads3D Pro serial number to the entered email address.

NOTE: make sure that the project Build Settings are NOT set to Webplayer, it will not be possible to connect to the server. Just set it temporarily to Standalone. You can switch back to Webplayer after registration



Upgrade from v2

Upgrading a v2 project is not yet part of the package. Scripts are available to turn a v2 road into a v3 road. Please contact us for this.