Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 78)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#157 Martin Kolman jan@… fixed N900: log a track no longer works

Not sure what has changed but I successfully recorded a track before and I no longer can.
Each file always has just 358 bytes with no records therein:

<gpx creator="modRana -" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""><metadata><time>2011-08-06T13:41:34Z</time></metadata><trk><trkseg /></trk></gpx>

I have /home/user/MyDocs as ext3 now but it may already have been during the first successful record, not sure. Any debugging hints?

#167 Martin Kolman petechap@… duplicate Download "around route" fails

Clicking the "Around route" icon just drops me back to the main map screen. Version 0.28-2:

Clicked, sending menu:screenClicked

Clicked, sending menu:screenClicked

Clicked, sending set:menu:main

Clicked, sending set:menu:data

Clicked, sending set:downloadType:data|set:downloadArea:route|set:menu:chooseRouteForDl

Menu chooseRouteForDl doesn't exist, returning to main screen

#172 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed GTK UI: address & wikipedia result lists won't scroll after returning from map
  • after clicking on a result on map and clicking on back from the result detail, the list menu won't scroll
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.