= Documentation = == Introduction == SET is an open source tool for syntax analysis of natural languages. It is based on the principle of detection of important patterns in the text and incremental segmentation of the sentence. Its core consists of a set of patterns (or rules) and a parsing engine that analyses the input sentence according to given rules. Currently, SET is distributed with a set of rules for parsing the Czech language, containing about 220 rules. A tree viewer for displaying parser output is also present. == System features == The system is able to parse a morphologically annotated sentence in the vertical (or BRIEF) format, i.e. one token per line, in word - lemma - tag order. Ambiguous comma-delimited lemmas and tags are allowed in the input. The tags can be either in the attribute format, as used by the [http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/projekty/ajka ajka] morphological analyser, or in the positional format, as described [http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pdt/Morphology_and_Tagging/Doc/hmptagqr.html here] (in this case, the {{{--postags}}} switch needs to be used). Examples of correct input files: [attachment:s1.txt example 1], [attachment:s2.txt example 2], [attachment:s3.txt example 3], [attachment:s4.txt example 4] (in Czech). As the output, the system returns syntactic information found in the input sentence in several possible formats: * '''All patterns found in the input sentence''' This information is printed on stderr in the form of matched tokens followed by the particular rule. It is indicated by label Match found. * '''Best matches''' The best pattern matches that are selected by the parser ranking functions and that are used for building the output tree. This information is printed on stderr in the form of matched tokens followed by the particular rule as well. It is indicated by label Match selected. * '''Hybrid trees''' Full syntactic trees containing phrasal and dependency elements together. The native output of the parser. In the text form, it is printed on stdout; it can be also displayed in the graphic module. * '''Dependency trees''' Full syntactic trees containing only dependency elements, corresponding to the formalism used by the [http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics] in Prague. In the text form, it is printed on stdout; it can be also displayed in the graphic module. * '''Phrasal trees''' Full syntactic trees in the constituent format. In the text form, it is printed on stdout in two possible codings; it can be also displayed in the graphic module. * '''Collocations''' Pairs of words in dependency relations. Pairs of lemmas and tags are also output. * '''Phrases''' Word chunks that form phrases in the sentence. These can be output in two possible formats. The output trees in the text form are encoded by set of lines, each of them representing one node of the resulting tree. Each line contains four TAB-delimited fields: * Node ID (integer number) * Node label * Node dependency ID (integer number) * Dependency type ('p' or 'd', for phrasal or dependency edge) Phrasal trees can also be printed in the "LAA" format (using the {{{--laa}}} switch) that enables the trees to be compared using the Leaf Ancestor Assessment metric, as described [http://www.grsampson.net/RLeafAnc.html here]. == Program usage == The program usage is as follows: {{{./set.py [OPTIONS] file}}} where file has is tagged sentence in vertical or BRIEF format as shown above and OPTIONS can be as follows: - {{{-g }}} graphic output - {{{-d }}} dependency output (not compatible with {{{-p}}} and {{{--laa}}}) - {{{-p }}} phrasal trees output - {{{-c }}} use collocation data in probabilistic ranking of matches - {{{--laa }}} phrasal trees output in format usable for tree comparison using the Leaf Ancestor Assessment program by Geoffrey Sampson - {{{--cout }}} output in form of collocations (not compatible with {{{-p}}}, {{{-d}}} and {{{--laa}}}) - {{{--phrases }}} output in form of phrases - {{{--marx }}} output phrases in an alternative format - {{{--postags }}} use Prague positional tags in input - {{{--version }}} show the version of the program Requirements: - Python 2.5 - python-qt4 (for graphical output only) - pyqt4-dev-tools (for graphical output only) The system performs parsing of the input sentence according to rules defined in the file grammar.set that is present in the installation. The structure of the rules and the process of analysis are further described in the following sections. == Rules structure == === Rules syntax === A general format of syntax rule is as follows: {{{TMPL: