
Version 1 (modified by Miloš Jakubíček, 15 years ago) (diff)

aliases description


An alias is one of the tags predefined in the grammar module, the aliases follow a straightforward concept of a simple abbreviation/alias for a single condition. They are used by simply writing their name which is substituted by its definition.

Current list of aliases including their equivalents in form of single conditions:

comma[word ,]a comma or hyphen like_noun[tag k1|k2|k3]substantive, adjective or pronoun
adj[tag k2]adjective
noun[tag k1]substantive
prep[tag k7]preposition
num[tag k4]numeral
adv[tag k6]adverb
verb[tag k5m(IBRAP)]finite verb
infitinitive[tag k5mFinfinitive verb
verb_all[tag k5]any verb