Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of private/NlpInPracticeCourse/OpinionSentiment

Sep 21, 2015, 9:43:20 AM (9 years ago)
Ales Horak



  • private/NlpInPracticeCourse/OpinionSentiment

    v17 v18  
    77== State of the Art ==
    9 Sentiment analysis can be seen as a text categorization task (i.e. is the writer's opinion on a discussed topic X or Y?). It consists of detection of the topic (which can be easy in focused reviews) and detection of the sentiment (which is generally difficult). Opinions are sometimes expressed in a very subtle manner (e.g. the sentence ''How could anyone sit through this movie?'' contains no negative word) [3]. The sentiments are usually simply classified by their polarity (positive, negative) but they can be recognized more in depth (e.g. strongly negative). Recognized opinions are also subject to summarization (e.g. how many people like this new iPhone design?).
     9Sentiment analysis can be seen as a text categorization task (i.e. is the writer's opinion on a discussed topic X or Y?). It consists of detection of the topic (which can be easy in focused reviews) and detection of the sentiment (which is generally difficult). Opinions are sometimes expressed in a very subtle manner (e.g. the sentence ''How could anyone sit through this movie?'' contains no negative word) ![3]. The sentiments are usually simply classified by their polarity (positive, negative) but they can be recognized more in depth (e.g. strongly negative). Recognized opinions are also subject to summarization (e.g. how many people like this new iPhone design?).
    1111=== References ===