Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of private/NlpInPracticeCourse/InformationExtraction

Nov 28, 2021, 9:32:39 PM (3 years ago)
Zuzana Nevěřilová



  • private/NlpInPracticeCourse/InformationExtraction

    v18 v19  
    2222 1. Cunningham, Hamish. [ An Introduction to Information Extraction]. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier, 2005.
    23  1. Chang, Chia-Hui, et al.[ A Survey of Web Information Extraction Systems]. Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 18.10 (2006).
    24  1. Banko, Michele, et al. [ Open information extraction for the web]. IJCAI. Vol. 7. 2007.
    25  1. Fader, Anthony, Soderland, Stephen and Etzioni, Oren. [ Identifying relations for open information extraction]. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP '11). Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 2011.
    2623 1. Piskorski, J. and Yangarber, R. Information Extraction: Past, Present and Future, pages 23–49. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
     24 1. Aydar, Mehmet, Ozge Bozal, and Furkan Ozbay. [ Neural relation extraction: a survey.] arXiv e-prints (2020): arXiv-2007.
    2826== Practical Session ==
    6462 1. Observe the annotated results, click on a document, then `Annotation Sets` and/or `Annotation List`. If applicable, you can see new annotation `JobTitle`.
    6563 1. Observe the grammars {{{jobtitle.jape}}} and {{{jobtitleperson.jape}}}
    67 Add new transducer with the grammar {{{jobtitleperson.jape}}} and observe the results.
    69 Optionally, you can add further documents and observe how universal the {{{jobtitleperson.jape}}} grammar is.
     64 1. Add new transducer with the grammar {{{jobtitleperson.jape}}} and observe the results.
     65 1. Optionally, you can add further documents and observe how universal the {{{jobtitleperson.jape}}} grammar is.
     66 1. According to the above grammars, write your own that extracts new relations (e.g. job title in company or person works in company).
    7168Write your observations to {{{<YOUR_FILE>}}}: Particularly, comment how well the  Gazetteer and NE Transducer perform, describe how well the grammar works. Note that no coreference resolution is used (optionally, you can try one).
     69Copy your grammar from the last point to {{{<YOUR_FILE>}}}.