= [[https://is.muni.cz/auth/predmet/fi/pv277|PV277 Programming Applications for Social Robots]] = [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/Introduction previous part] ] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/PepperApi#PepperAPIII next part] ] == Pepper API [[PageOutline(2-3)]] * http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/index_dev_guide.html === programming in Choregraphe via Python * enter only one box `Python Script` * edit its contents via double click: * to `onLoad` add: {{{#!python self.tts = ALProxy('ALTextToSpeech') self.tts.setLanguage('Czech') }}} * to `onInput_onStart` add: {{{#!python self.tts.say("Ahoj, jak se máš?") self.onStopped() }}} * add `Czech` into Project Properties [[br]] [[Image(pepper_project_cz.png)]] * save the project and run in on a virtual robot * for details see http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/objects/python_script.html and http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/reference.html === speech input via Python * in `odLoad` add: {{{#!python self.dialog = ALProxy('ALDialog') self.dialog.setLanguage('Czech') self.mem = ALProxy('ALMemory') try: self.speech = ALProxy("ALSpeechRecognition") self.speech.setLanguage('Czech') self.logger.info('Running on real robot') except: self.logger.info('Running on virtual robot') self.speech = None }}} * process speech accordingly {{{#!python def get_answer(self, reactions): if self.speech is None: # random answer on virtual robot return (random.choice(reactions.keys())) else: try: self.speech.setVocabulary(reactions.keys(), False) except RuntimeError: # fix incorrectly reset dialog self.logger.info('Reset language') self.dialog.setLanguage('English') self.onLoad() self.speech.setVocabulary(reactions.keys(), False) self.speech.subscribe("Test_ASR") self.logger.info('Speech recognition engine started') while True: word = self.mem.getData("WordRecognized") if type(word) == list and word[0] != '': break self.speech.unsubscribe("Test_ASR") return word[0] def onInput_onStart(self): self.tts.say("Ahoj, jak se máš?") reactions = { 'dobře': 'to je super!', 'špatně': 'doufám, že to brzo bude lepší', 'nevím': 'tak to určitě nebude tak zlé', } answer = self.get_answer(reactions) react = reactions.get(answer) self.logger.info('answer={}, react={}'.format(answer, react)) self.tts.say(react) self.onStopped() }}} * in case of error `ALSpeechRecognition::setVocabulary NuanceContext::addContext A grammar named "modifiable_grammar" already exists` just rerun the app once more. But this should be already solved by the included "''fix incorrectly reset dialog''". * see [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/audio/alspeechrecognition.html ALSpeechRecognition] documentation === dialog * add boxes `Set Language` with `Czech` and add `Czech` to project properties * right click the free area -> `Create a new box` -> `Dialog...` * in the Dialog -> `Add Topic` - choose `Czech` and `Add to the package content as collaborative dialog` (allows to start the dialog just by talking to the robot) * connect `onStart` -> `Set Language` -> `Dialog` * in Project files double click on `dialog_czc.top` and enter {{{ topic: ~dialog() language: czc concept:(ahoj) "ahoj robote" concept:(dobrý_den) ["dobrý den" "krásný den" "krásný den přeju"] u:(~ahoj) ahoj člověče \pau=1000\ to máme dnes hezký den u:(~dobrý_den) ~dobrý_den }}} * see [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/interaction/dialog/dialog.html QiChat - Introduction] and [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/interaction/dialog/dialog-syntax_full.html QiChat - Syntax] for details * beware that the "nice" function of recognizing any text via `_*` is unfortunately not available in the real robot - free speech recognition works only as a payed service over-the-network. The dialog must use predefined (possibly dynamic) concepts instead via `_~conceptName`. === adding animations 1. single animation - via `Animation` box 1. connect to dialog: * add rule to topic: {{{ u:(["můžeš zamávat" zamávej] {prosím}) ahojky $zamavej=1 }}} * add [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/objects/box_input_output.html#choregraphe-reference-box-output output] to the dialog box (right click -> Edit box) named `zamavej` (Bang, punctual) * add `Kisses` animation box, connect it to the `zamavej` output 1. within the dialog: {{{ u:(~ahoj) ^start(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_1) ahoj člověče \pau=1000\ to máme dnes hezký den ^wait(animations/Stand/Gestures/Hey_1) }}} shows only on real robot, see [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/motion/alanimationplayer-advanced.html#animationplayer-list-behaviors-pepper default list of animations] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/Introduction previous part] ] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/PepperApi#PepperAPIII next part] ] == Pepper API II [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/PepperApi previous part] ] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/GettingWwwInfo next part] ] [[PageOutline(2-3)]] === Live examples ==== Using basic arithmetics See video [https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/pepper/wiki/NlpPepperShows#IcandocomputationsinCzechUm%C3%ADmpo%C4%8D%C3%ADtatv%C4%8De%C5%A1tin%C4%9B "I can do computations " in Czech / "Umím počítat" v češtině]. See https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/nlp/dialog_counting/ app for details. Concepts for arithmetic operators and numbers are created. Not every number is defined, but rather decimal places and their combination, eg. {{{ concept:(tens) [20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90] concept:(number_hundreds) ["{[1 "jedno"]} sto" "dvě stě" dvěsta dvěstě "[3 4] sta" "[5 6 7 8 "osum" 9] set" pěcet šescet devěcet] concept:(number) ["~number_hundreds {~number_tens} {~digits}" "~number_tens {~digits}" ~digits] }}} This way, robot can understand numbers up to 999. Concepts are used in the dialogue, passed into counting function and output result is said in the dialogue: {{{ u:(["kolik je" spočítej] _"~number ~operator [~number ~number2]") $num_expression=$1 ^call(ALDialogCounting.compute($num_expression)) c1:(_* equals nan) $1 přece nejde spočítat! c1:(_* equals _*) $1 [je "by mohlo být"] {asi} {tak} $2 }}} The computing function receives the recognized words as parameters and has to convert the words to numbers and operation before producing the result. The `command` parameter contains recognized sentence, eg. "dvacet dva plus třináct". {{{#!python m = re.match('(.*) (' + '|'.join(OPERATOR_WORDS) + ') (.*)', command) if m: number1 = self.convert_number(m.group(1)) operator_word = m.group(2) operator = OPERATOR_WORDS[operator_word] number2 = self.convert_number(m.group(3)) try: result = str(int(eval(str(number1) + operator + str(number2)))).replace('-','minus') except: result = 'nan' }}} ==== Display subtitles for speech recognition/generation See video [https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/pepper/wiki/NlpPepperShows#subtitlesandlanguageswitchingbetweenCzechandEnglishtitulkyap%C5%99ep%C3%ADn%C3%A1n%C3%ADmezi%C4%8De%C5%A1tinouaangli%C4%8Dtinou Subtitles and language switching between Czech and English / titulky a přepínání mezi češtinou a angličtinou]. The subtitle service is running as an HTML app on the Pepper's tablet, receiving updates via Javascript messaging API. See https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/nlp/dialog_subtitles/ app, specifically `dialog_subtitles/html/js/`. HTML app can subscribe to various robot API events: {{{#!javascript RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("SpeechDetected", onSpeechDetected); RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("ALSpeechRecognition/Status", onSpeechStatus); RobotUtils.subscribeToALMemoryEvent("WordRecognizedAndGrammar", onWordRecognized); }}} And update the webpage when events are triggered, eg. display recognized word: {{{#!javascript function onWordRecognized(value) { document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = value; } }}} ==== Access timetable API See video [https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/pepper/wiki/NlpPepperShows#PublictransportinCzechj%C3%ADzdn%C3%AD%C5%99%C3%A1dv%C4%8De%C5%A1tin%C4%9B Public transport in Czech / jízdní řád v češtině]. See `kordisbot` app (in the directory `/nlp/projekty/pepper/myapps`) for detailed example. To enable recognition of all stops and street names, special concepts were defined (`Ulice-concept.top` and `Zastavky-concept.top`) with the list of accepted names. Timetable search is running as a service, see `scripts/kordisbot_service.py`. With a user's question, the dialog just calls specific service function, eg. {{{ u:("[řekni ukaž zobraz najdi] {mi} [odjezdy spoje] ze zastávky _~station_name na zastávku _~station_name") ^call(DialogKordisbot.say_answer2($1,$2,1)) }}} The service functions `say_answer1` and `say_answer2` are directly generating robot answer sentence. Connection map is displayed on the tablet, using usual map from `mapy.idos.cz` with the connection parameters: {{{ self.s.ALTabletService.showWebview("http://mapy.idos.cz/idsjmk/?f={}&t={}&date={}&time={}&submit=true".format( fromStop, toStop, date, time)) }}} ==== Pepper usage around the world: * Teaching assistant https://youtu.be/tBDI6kjj4nI * Care assistant https://youtu.be/XuwP5iOB-gs * Shop assistant https://youtu.be/iJ184evAu-I * Bank assistant https://youtu.be/norC0ekdoLQ === installing application to the robot * make a ssh key (replace `` with your login): {{{ ssh-keygen -m PEM -t ecdsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/pepper_ }}} * copy your '''public''' key to the course directory: {{{ cp ~/.ssh/pepper_.pub /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/keys/ }}} * add host `karel` to your `$HOME/.ssh/config`: {{{ Host karel User nao HostName # IdentityFile is important for install_pkg.py IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pepper_ StrictHostKeyChecking no PubkeyAuthentication yes }}} * build the PKG package in Choregraphe * test [https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/pepper/wiki/LogView logview] {{{ ssh aurora /nlp/projekty/pepper/bin/logview }}} * after the key is allowed, install it to the robot {{{ ssh aurora /nlp/projekty/pepper/bin/install_pkg.py your_package.pkg }}} === running/launching the application * if the application contains a ''behavior'' (`behavior.xar`), it needs to be ''launched''. Behaviors can have two natures: ''interactive'' (used as a dialog) or ''solitary'' (used without a direct listener). Any behavior can be launched using one of 3 ways: 1. specify the behavior's '''[http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/interaction/triggerconditions.html trigger conditions]''' (works with both [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/tutos/create_solitary_activity.html solitary] and [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/tutos/create_interactive_activity.html interactive]) and/or its [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/tutos/create_interactive_activity.html#step-2-transform-it-into-an-interactive-activity trigger sentences] 1. run it with `run_app.py`: {{{ /nlp/projekty/pepper/bin/run_app.py your_package[/path_to_behavior] }}} call `run_app.py -l` to obtain a list of installed behaviors. 1. call ''[http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/interaction/autonomouslife-api.html#ALAutonomousLifeProxy::switchFocus ALAutonomousLife.switchFocus]'' or !QiChat [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/interaction/dialog/dialog-syntax_full.html#switchfocus ^switchFocus] === using tablet * from a dialogue (see [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/getting_started/creating_applications/using_peppers_tablet.html QiChat - pCall]): {{{ u:(jak se můžu dostat na fakultu bez přijímaček?) Způsobů je celá řada. ^pCall(ALTabletService.showWebview("https://www.fi.muni.cz/admission/guide.html.cs")) Všechno se dozvíš dnes na přednášce, od paní ze studijního ^start(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowTablet_3) nebo na webu vvv fi muni cz v sekci pro uchazeče. ^wait(animations/Stand/Gestures/ShowTablet_3) }}} * application specific content can be displayed when stored in the subdirectory `html` and (after installation on the real robot) referred from the tablet as ``. This way not only images, but also HTML pages with !JavaScript content can be presented. The !JavaScript can also communicate with robot variables in real time, see [https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/nlp/dialog_presentation_nlp dialog_presentation_nlp] for an example. * [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/getting_started/creating_applications/using_peppers_tablet.html Using Pepper’s Tablet] === face characteristics * [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/tutos/get_age.html Get Age]/Get Gender * [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/tutos/get_expression.html Get Expression] === creating application outside Choregraphe * prepare your `pepper` directory unless you already have one {{{ mkdir $HOME/pepper }}} * copy `template` directory {{{ cp -r /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/template $HOME/pepper/ }}} * rename the `template` to `template_` (replace `` with your login) or something else: {{{ mv $HOME/pepper/template $HOME/pepper/template_ cd $HOME/pepper/template_ }}} * go through all files, rename the application where necessary * build the PKG package (the version number will be increased): {{{ cd $HOME/pepper/template_ make pkg }}} * and install it {{{ cd $HOME/pepper/template_ make install }}} During the development this can be in one command {{{ make pkg install }}} === creating own service * copy and rename `template-service` directory {{{ cp -r /nlp/projekty/pepper/course/template-service $HOME/pepper/ mv $HOME/pepper/template-service $HOME/pepper/template-service_ cd $HOME/pepper/template-service_ }}} * go through all files, rename the application where necessary * build the PKG and install it [[br]] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/PepperApi previous part] ] [ [wiki:en/ProgrammingRobotsCourse/GettingWwwInfo next part] ]