
Version 11 (modified by xrambous, 5 years ago) (diff)


PV277 Programming Applications for Social Robots (autumn 2019)

How to get info from web?


If API exists, you can usually use JSON data after send the right parameters. Example to get weather data.

import requests
url = ""

params = {'q': 'Brno',
          'units': 'metric',
          'lang': 'cz'}

r = requests.get(url=url, params=params)
data = r.json()


(Full example )

Parse webpage data

If no API is provided, you can download and parse the webpage.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
page = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, features="lxml")
results = soup.findAll('h2', attrs={'class':'article-title'})

(Full example

How to integrate info with robot?

Dialog variables

In dialog file, set value of variable, use it in Python script in behavior.

u:(["Můj [oblíbený nejoblíbenější] tým je" "Fandím {týmu}"] _*) $team=$1

First word after sentence is available in $1 and passed to the script as team variable.

def onInput_onStart(self, team):
    self.team_usr = team

Use TTS in script

veta = self.team_name + " má " + str(act_team.points) + " bodů"

Run script as service and parse service output

Specify service script in manifest.xml:

    <service autorun="true" execStart="/usr/bin/python2 scripts/" name="rozvrh" />

In dialog, detect variables, pass them to service, and parse call result to say answer:

u:(rozvrh) Pro jakou místnost bys chtěl znát rozvrh?
    u1:({pro} {místnost učebnu} _~letter _~number) Podívám se na rozvrh pro $1 $2 ^call(Rozvrh.get_current_lesson($1, $2)) \pau=500\
    c1:(In _* teaches _* course _*) V místnosti $1 je právě $3 s vyučujícím, který se jmenuje $2.
    c1:(In _* currently _*) V místnosti $1 je právě $2

u1 detects letter and number (concepts defined earlier in dialog) and calls get_current_lesson(). This function return strings, that are parsed in dialog and answer is translated to each locale.

def get_current_lesson(self, letter, number):
    room = letter+str(number)
    lesson = self.rozvrh.find_current_lesson(room)
    if lesson:
        if lesson.teacher:
            teacher = lesson.teacher.split(' ')[-1]
            return "In %s teaches %s course %s" % (, teacher,
            return "In %s currently %s" % (,

Run script as service and use TTS in script

Detect variables in dialog, pass them to script and let script use TTS to say answer.

u:("[řekni ukaž zobraz najdi] {mi} [odjezdy spoje] ze zastávky _~station_name")

Dialog detect word with station name and calls say_answer1(). No answer is passed back, answer is said directly in script.

def say_answer1(self, station):
    #get data finalDepartures
    answer_msg = "First line {} goes to {} at {}, second line {} goes to {} at {}, third line {} goes to {} at {}".format(finalDepartures[0][0], finalDepartures[0][1], finalDepartures[0][2], finalDepartures[1][0], finalDepartures[1][1], finalDepartures[1][2], finalDepartures[2][0], finalDepartures[2][1], finalDepartures[2][2])



Explore example applications in /nlp/projekty/pepper/myapps:

  • kordisbot
  • sport_bot
  • rozvrh

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