
Version 1 (modified by Ales Horak, 2 years ago) (diff)

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Adaptive electronic dictionaries

IA161 NLP in Practice Course, Course Guarantee: Aleš Horák

Prepared by: Adam Rambousek

State of the Art


Approx 3 current papers (preferably from best NLP conferences/journals, eg. ACL Anthology) that will be used as a source for the one-hour lecture:

  1. Robert Lew and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver. Dictionary Users in the Digital Revolution. Int J Lexicography (2014) 27 (4): 341-359 pdf
  2. Dziemianko, A. 2012. ‘Why One and Two Do Not Make Three: Dictionary Form Revisited’. Lexikos, 22: 195–216.
  3. Muller-Spitzer, C., A. Koplenig and A. To¨pel. 2012. ‘Online Dictionary Use: Key Findings from an Empirical Research Project’. In S. Granger and M. Paquot (eds.), Electronic Lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 425–457.
  4. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver. State-of-the-Art Software to Support Intelligent Lexicography. In R. Zhu, editor, Chinese Lexicographic Research 2, pages 584–599. Chinese Social Sciences, 2010.
  5. Serge Verlinde and Jean Binon. Monitoring Dictionary Use in the Electronic Age. In Proceedings of the XIV Euralex International Congress, pages 1144–1151, 2010. pdf

Practical Session

Select basic/advanced fields in dictionary entry structure. Analyze logfiles of search queries. Combining with information from corpora and dictionary, try to guess users' experience level and display respective parts of dictionary entry.