= Language Resources = == For NLP we need == [[Image(/trac/research/raw-attachment/wiki/en/LanguageResources/nlp_tools_resources_algorithms.png)]] == Types of language resources == * synonym dictionary - fuzzy searching * over 23000 entries, with over 56000 synonyms * Czech Wordnet - 85592 words organized in 40919 synonym sets, plus grouping to domains/categories * thesaurus in Sketch Engine * translation dictionary - multilingual searching * Czech-English dictionary - 54000 entries * interconnected wordnets (!EuroWordnet, Balkanet) - Czech, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Polish, Romanian, Turkish (at least 8500 common synonimical sets) * vulgar words dictionary - detection of inappropriate behavior in discussions * current language (April 2013), 600 manually edited words/collocations, with rules to detect masking * other: dictionary of toponyms? ancient surnames, genealogy? gestures, artworks...? * multimedial content in explanatory dictionaries (artworks, videos, recordings) for text enhancement * sign language dictionary with gesture videos == Tools for language resources processing == creating, editing, importing, connecting with other resources, visualizing -> the DEB platform