Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ast

Mar 14, 2019, 2:35:35 PM (5 years ago)



  • ast

    v1 v1  
     1= Automatic Semantic Tool (AST) =
     3Full semantic analysis of natural language (NL) texts is an open
     4problem. The most comprehensive semantic systems build upon a mathematically
     5sound formalism of a selected logical system. Mostly due to computability
     6and efficiency, current systems work with the first order logic (or its variant).
     7However, the low-order logic is not appropriate for capturing higher-order
     8phenomena that occurs in natural language, such as belief attitudes, direct
     9speech, or verb tenses. In our project, we develop new tool for automatic semantic analysis
     10(AST) that emerged from (a module of) the Czech syntactic parser [ SYNT] .
     13AST is now a standalone tool  based on Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL).
     14It works with the same input files (lexicons, semantic rules, ...) that were designed and developed in SYNT.
     16AST can provide a semantic analysis in the form of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) constructions independently on the input syntactic parser and language.
     18Adaptation for new language consists in a specification of four lexicon files that describe lexical items, verb valencies, prepositional valencies and a semantic grammar.
     21== Input ==
     23To create a semantic structure of a sentence, AST needs the output from
     24previous analysis. A usual output is in the form of a syntactic tree [[Image()]]