Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of AnnotationManual/CZSNLI

Mar 4, 2024, 9:36:00 AM (4 months ago)
Zuzana Nevěřilová



  • AnnotationManual/CZSNLI

    v17 v18  
    5 The following sentences are descriptions of photographs (machine translated from English to Czech). You cannot see the photos, however, you can imagine their content.
     5The following sentences are descriptions of photographs (machine-translated from English to Czech). You cannot see the photos; however, you can imagine their content.
    77The aim is to decide for each pair of sentences (premise and hypothesis) whether:
    2323=== How to annotate one sample ===
     25!LabelStudio limitation: Please **do not open** one labeling task in two tabs simultaneously.
     27More details about the labeling process:
    2529==== 1. Rule out bad translations
    3337Please assume that the hypothesis and the premise are connected. For example, if the premise says something about a man and the hypothesis mentions a human, assume they are **the same entity** in the picture.
    35 Also, use **common sense** when judging the impossibility of ''following''. For example, if the premise says "''a man rides a bicycle''", and the hypothesis says "''the man is washing his hands''", annotate it as **false**, even though you can imagine someone washing his hands while riding a bike (being a very uncommon situation).
     39Also, use **common sense** when judging the impossibility of ''following''. For example, if the premise says "''a man rides a bicycle''", and the hypothesis says "''the man is washing his hands''", annotate it as **contradiction**, even though you can imagine someone washing his hands while riding a bike (being a very uncommon situation).
    7478In case of **neutral**, the relation would be orange.
     80It does not matter if you mark prepositional phrases (e.g., "v obýváku") or noun phrases (e.g., "obýváku").
     84=== Examples of annotations ===
     86==== Example 1 ====
     88**Premise:** Vousatý muž v malířské čepici hraje na xylofon na straně rušné lávky.
     90**Hypothesis:** Muž s plnovousem hraje na nástroj na chodníku.
     92The information in the hypothesis is more general, so mark it as **entailment**. For support of the decision, mark "xylofon" and "nástroj" and connect with the **generalization** relation, and "Vousatý muž" and "Muž s plnovousem" with the "similar" relation.
     94==== Example 2 ====
     96**Premise:** Chlapec je zajištěn mezi dvěma bungee lany a visí ve vzduchu.
     98**Hypothesis:** Chlapec se prochází v parku.
     100The boy cannot do both things. Mark as **contradiction**. To support the decision, mark "visí" (is suspended) and "se prochází" (is walking) as **exclusion**.
     102==== Example 3 ====
     104**Premise:** Surfař v zeleném pruhovaném neoprenu jede na vlně.
     106**Hypothesis:** Muž, který surfuje, má zelený pruhovaný neopren se svým psem.
     108The information about the dog is more specific, therefore mark as **neutral**. To support the decision, mark "se svým psem" without relation to the premise.
     110==== Example 4 ====
     112**Premise:** Dvě dámy se střetnou se třemi osly.
     114**Hypothesis:** Dvě dámy půjdou nakrmit tři osly do zoo.
     116We cannot tell whether the ladies will feed the donkeys if we only know they meet the donkeys.
     118Mark as **neutral**. For support of the decision, mark "se střetnou" (meet) and "půjdou nakrmit" (will feed) as **independence**.
     120==== Example 5 ====
     122**Premise:** Starší muž hrající na podivný nástroj podobný kytaře na něčem, co vypadá jako park nebo otevřené prostranství.
     124**Hypothesis:** Žena hraje v obýváku na klavír.
     126Since a man is not a woman, mark it as **contradiction**. To support the decision, mark "Starší muž" and "Žena" with the **exclusion** relation. Mark also "park nebo otevřené prostranství" and "obýváku" with the **exclusion** relation.
     128==== Example 6 ====
     130**Premise:** Kůň vlevo má bílou hřívu.
     132**Hypothesis:** Je tam víc než jeden kůň.
     134From the premise, it follows that there are more horses. Mark the relation as **entailment** and mark "Kůň vlevo" (the left horse) without any relation to the hypothesis.
     137==== Example 7 ====
     139**Premise:** Motocyklista jede po úbočí zelené hory, zatímco jiné kolo zůstává stát.
     141**Hypothesis:** Jsou tam dva motocykly, ale jeden je rozbitý.
     143We don't know the reason why the bike remains stationary. So, mark it as **neutral**. To support the decision, mark "zůstává stát" and "je rozbitý" with the **specification** relation.
     145==== Example 8 ====
     147**Premise:** Ta mladá žena s šátkem dává někomu dárek.
     149**Hypothesis:** Současnost je malá.
     151Apparently, the two sentences have no relation; moreover, the hypothesis is suspicious.
     153Check the English origin (The young woman with the scarf is giving a present to someone. The present is small.) and mark it as **bad translation**.
    80155=== Submit ===