private/NlpInPracticeCourse/GenerativeLanguageModels: IA161_Generative_language_models.ipynb

File IA161_Generative_language_models.ipynb, 25.1 KB (added by Ales Horak, 8 months ago)
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20      "source": [
21        "Load the model and tokenizer.\n",
22        "\n",
23        "*We will be working with the model GPT2-Large. The other options are \"gpt-XL\", \"gpt-medium\", or just \"gpt\" for GPT2-Small.*"
24      ],
25      "metadata": {
26        "id": "lWvCVWqQUtm0"
27      }
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34      },
35      "outputs": [],
36      "source": [
37        "import torch\n",
38        "from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer\n",
39        "from torch.nn.functional import softmax, cross_entropy\n",
40        "\n",
41        "\n",
42        "# Load pre-trained model and tokenizer\n",
43        "tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2-large')\n",
44        "model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2-large', pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id)\n",
45        "\n",
46        "# Make sure we're using the GPU (if available)\n",
47        "device = torch.device(\"cuda\" if torch.cuda.is_available() else \"cpu\")\n",
48        "\n",
49        "\n",
50        "# Set the model to evaluation mode\n",
51        "model.eval()\n"
52      ]
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56      "source": [
57        "How to generate text based on a seed\n"
58      ],
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65      "source": [
66        "def generate_text(seed, num_seq, max_len, temperature):\n",
67        "  # Encode context the generation is conditioned on\n",
68        "  input_ids = tokenizer.encode(seed, return_tensors='pt')\n",
69        "\n",
70        "  # Generate text\n",
71        "  output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=max_len, num_return_sequences=num_seq, do_sample=True, temperature=temperature)\n",
72        "\n",
73        "  # Decode and return the generated text\n",
74        "  result = []\n",
75        "  for i in range(num_seq):\n",
76        "    output_text = tokenizer.decode(output[i], skip_special_tokens=True)\n",
77        "    result.append(output_text)\n",
78        "\n",
79        "  return result"
80      ],
81      "metadata": {
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83      },
84      "execution_count": null,
85      "outputs": []
86    },
87    {
88      "cell_type": "code",
89      "source": [
90        "seed_text = \"Once upon a time\"\n",
91        "\n",
92        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 4.5)\n",
93        "\n",
94        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
95        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])\n"
96      ],
97      "metadata": {
98        "id": "tRiJ4IBrSwj1"
99      },
100      "execution_count": null,
101      "outputs": []
102    },
103    {
104      "cell_type": "markdown",
105      "source": [
106        "How to get the top K most probable tokens based on a seed"
107      ],
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114      "source": [
115        "def get_predictions(input_text, top_k):\n",
116        "  input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input_text, return_tensors='pt')\n",
117        "\n",
118        "  # Get logits from the model\n",
119        "  with torch.no_grad():\n",
120        "      outputs = model(input_ids)\n",
121        "      predictions = outputs[0]\n",
122        "\n",
123        "  # Apply softmax to convert logits to probabilities\n",
124        "  softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)\n",
125        "  last_token_predictions = predictions[:, -1, :]\n",
126        "  probabilities = softmax(last_token_predictions)\n",
127        "\n",
128        "  # Get the list of predicted tokens and their probabilities\n",
129        "  top_k_probabilities, top_k_indices = torch.topk(probabilities, top_k, dim=-1)\n",
130        "\n",
131        "  predicted_tokens = [tokenizer.decode(index.item()).strip() for index in top_k_indices[0]]\n",
132        "  predicted_probabilities = top_k_probabilities[0].tolist()\n",
133        "\n",
134        "  # Zip tokens with their probabilities for better readability\n",
135        "  return list(zip(predicted_rokens, predicted_probabilities))\n",
136        "\n",
137        "\n"
138      ],
139      "metadata": {
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142      "execution_count": null,
143      "outputs": []
144    },
145    {
146      "cell_type": "code",
147      "source": [
148        "text = \"The best movie of all times is\"\n",
149        "\n",
150        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 10)\n",
151        "\n",
152        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
153        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
154      ],
155      "metadata": {
156        "id": "uWEJADukDKC_"
157      },
158      "execution_count": null,
159      "outputs": []
160    },
161    {
162      "cell_type": "markdown",
163      "source": [
164        "# **Task 1: Predictability of the text**\n",
165        "\n",
166        "For a given text fragment, observe the predictability of the text\n",
167        "\n",
168        "We start with naive approach and calculate the probablity of each word in the text"
169      ],
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174    {
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176      "source": [
177        "text = \"The best movie of all times is the Shawshank Redemption\"\n",
178        "words = text.split()\n",
179        "partial_text = ''\n",
180        "probab_list = []\n",
181        "\n",
182        "TOP_K = 10\n",
183        "\n",
184        "for i in range(len(words)-1):\n",
185        "    curr_word = words[i]\n",
186        "    next_word = words[i+1].strip()\n",
187        "    partial_text += ' ' + curr_word\n",
188        "    input_ids = tokenizer.encode(partial_text, return_tensors='pt')\n",
189        "\n",
190        "    # Get logits from the model\n",
191        "    with torch.no_grad():\n",
192        "        outputs = model(input_ids)\n",
193        "        predictions = outputs[0]\n",
194        "\n",
195        "    # Apply softmax to convert Logits to probabilities\n",
196        "    softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)\n",
197        "    last_token_predictions = predictions[:, -1, :]\n",
198        "    probabilities = softmax(last_token_predictions)\n",
199        "\n",
200        "    # Get the list of predicted words and their probabilities\n",
201        "    top_k_probabilities, top_k_indices = torch.topk(probabilities, TOP_K, dim=-1)\n",
202        "\n",
203        "    predicted_words = [tokenizer.decode(index.item()).strip() for index in top_k_indices[0]]\n",
204        "    predicted_probabilities = top_k_probabilities[0].tolist()\n",
205        "\n",
206        "    if next_word in predicted_words:\n",
207        "        word_index = predicted_words.index(next_word)\n",
208        "        probab_list.append(predicted_probabilities[word_index])\n",
209        "    else:\n",
210        "        probab_list.append(0.0)\n",
211        "    print(partial_text, ' -> ', next_word, '(probability ', probab_list[-1], ')')\n",
212        "\n",
213        "print(\"Average word probability: \", sum(probab_list)/len(probab_list))"
214      ],
215      "metadata": {
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217      },
218      "execution_count": null,
219      "outputs": []
220    },
221    {
222      "cell_type": "markdown",
223      "source": [
224        "As you can see, the word Shawshank does not seem to fit to this context.\n",
225        "\n",
226        "Let's focus not on words, but on tokens"
227      ],
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231    },
232    {
233      "cell_type": "code",
234      "source": [
235        "text = \"The best movie of all times is The Godfather.\"\n",
236        "\n",
237        "# Encode and prepare the inputs\n",
238        "tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt')\n",
239        "token_list = tokens.tolist()[0]\n",
240        "\n",
241        "# List to store probabilities\n",
242        "probabilities = []\n",
243        "\n",
244        "# Compute probability for each word given the previous words\n",
245        "for i in range(1, len(token_list)):\n",
246        "    inputs = tokens[:, :i]\n",
247        "    target_word = token_list[i]\n",
248        "\n",
249        "    with torch.no_grad():\n",
250        "        outputs = model(inputs)\n",
251        "        predictions = outputs[0]\n",
252        "\n",
253        "    softmax_scores = softmax(predictions[:, -1, :], dim=-1)\n",
254        "    word_prob = softmax_scores[0, target_word].item()\n",
255        "    probabilities.append(word_prob)\n",
256        "\n",
257        "    # Decode the token to the word and print it with its probability\n",
258        "    decoded_word = tokenizer.decode([target_word])\n",
259        "    print(decoded_word, word_prob)\n",
260        "\n",
261        "# Calculate the average probability\n",
262        "average_probability = sum(probabilities) / len(probabilities) if probabilities else 0\n",
263        "\n",
264        "print(f\"Average Probability: {average_probability}\")\n"
265      ],
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267        "id": "5ejWtUGdgf_q"
268      },
269      "execution_count": null,
270      "outputs": []
271    },
272    {
273      "cell_type": "markdown",
274      "source": [
275        "Now, lets deal with words again"
276      ],
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279      }
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281    {
282      "cell_type": "code",
283      "source": [
284        "def calculate_word_probabilities(text):\n",
285        "    # Encode the input text\n",
286        "    tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt')\n",
287        "    token_list = tokens.tolist()[0]\n",
288        "\n",
289        "    # Lists to store words and their probabilities\n",
290        "    words = []\n",
291        "    probabilities = []\n",
292        "    current_word = ''\n",
293        "    current_word_probability = 1.0\n",
294        "\n",
295        "    # Calculate probability for each token and aggregate for words\n",
296        "    for i in range(1, len(token_list)):\n",
297        "        inputs = tokens[:, :i]\n",
298        "        target_token = token_list[i]\n",
299        "\n",
300        "        with torch.no_grad():\n",
301        "            outputs = model(inputs)\n",
302        "            predictions = outputs[0]\n",
303        "\n",
304        "        softmax_scores = softmax(predictions[:, -1, :], dim=-1)\n",
305        "        token_probability = softmax_scores[0, target_token].item()\n",
306        "\n",
307        "        # Aggregate probabilities for subword tokens\n",
308        "        decoded_token = tokenizer.decode([target_token])\n",
309        "        if decoded_token.startswith(' ') or i == len(token_list) - 1:\n",
310        "            # Start of a new word or end of text\n",
311        "            if current_word:  # Add the completed word and its probability\n",
312        "                words.append(current_word.strip())\n",
313        "                probabilities.append(current_word_probability)\n",
314        "            current_word = decoded_token\n",
315        "            current_word_probability = token_probability\n",
316        "        else:\n",
317        "            # Continuation of the current word\n",
318        "            current_word += decoded_token\n",
319        "            current_word_probability *= token_probability\n",
320        "\n",
321        "    # Add the last word\n",
322        "    if current_word:\n",
323        "        words.append(current_word.strip())\n",
324        "        probabilities.append(current_word_probability)\n",
325        "\n",
326        "    return words, probabilities"
327      ],
328      "metadata": {
329        "id": "hB10GRBgb0cc"
330      },
331      "execution_count": null,
332      "outputs": []
333    },
334    {
335      "cell_type": "code",
336      "source": [
337        "text = \"The best movie of all times is The Shawshank Redemption.\"\n",
338        "words, probs = calculate_word_probabilities(text)\n",
339        "for word, prob in zip(words, probs):\n",
340        "    print(f\"Word: '{word}' Probability: {prob}\")\n",
341        "\n",
342        "# Calculate the average probability\n",
343        "average_probability = sum(probs) / len(probs) if probs else 0\n",
344        "\n",
345        "print(f\"Average Probability: {average_probability}\")"
346      ],
347      "metadata": {
348        "id": "OMMEc8sfb8sl"
349      },
350      "execution_count": null,
351      "outputs": []
352    },
353    {
354      "cell_type": "markdown",
355      "source": [
356        "Average is not an appropriate measure in this case. So, how do we really measure the predictability of the text?\n",
357        "\n",
358        "The more predictable a text is, the less surprise it causes. On the other hand, less predictable texts are more surprising.\n",
359        "The \"surprisingness\" of the text is called **perplexity** and is defined as the inverse probability of the sequence, normalised by the number of tokens:\n",
360        "\n",
361        "$PP(W) = \\sqrt[N]{\\frac{1}{P(w_1, w_2, \\dots, w_N}}$\n",
362        "\n",
363        "The resulting number can be understood as an average number of equally probable words/tokens to choose from at each position. I.e., perplexity equal to 1 indicates no choice (1 option), perplexity of 10 indicates that to generate each token, the model has 10 (equally probable) possibilities to chose from.\n",
364        "\n",
365        "We can alternatively define perplexity by using the cross-entropy. Cross-entropy is a measure from information theory that quantifies the difference between two probability distributions. Therefore, it measures how well the predicted probability distribution of the next word matches the actual distribution observed in the given text.\n",
366        "\n",
367        "The cross-entropy indicates the average number of bits needed to encode one token. Perplexity, which is an exponentaion of cross-entropy, then corresponds to the number of tokens that can be encoded with those bits (i.e. the number of tokens to choose from).\n",
368        "\n",
369        "The formula for calculating perplexity using cross-entropy is:\n",
370        "\n",
371        "---\n",
372        "\n",
373        "\n",
374        "\n",
375        "$PP(W) = 2^{H(W)} = 2^{-\\frac{1}{N}log_2P(w_1, w_2, \\dots, w_n)}$\n"
376      ],
377      "metadata": {
378        "id": "34IxbdWCRt4T"
379      }
380    },
381    {
382      "cell_type": "code",
383      "source": [
384        "def perplexity(text):\n",
385        "  tokens = tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors='pt')\n",
386        "  token_list = tokens.tolist()[0]\n",
387        "\n",
388        "  # Calculate the probabilities and perplexity\n",
389        "  total_loss = 0\n",
390        "  for i in range(1, len(token_list)):\n",
391        "      inputs = tokens[:, :i]\n",
392        "      targets = tokens[:, i].unsqueeze(-1)\n",
393        "      outputs = model(inputs)\n",
394        "      logits = outputs.logits\n",
395        "      loss = cross_entropy(logits[:, -1, :], targets.view(-1))\n",
396        "      total_loss += loss.item()\n",
397        "\n",
398        "  average_loss = total_loss / (len(token_list) - 1)\n",
399        "  return torch.exp(torch.tensor(average_loss))"
400      ],
401      "metadata": {
402        "id": "vNATFxXBRvrq"
403      },
404      "execution_count": null,
405      "outputs": []
406    },
407    {
408      "cell_type": "code",
409      "source": [
410        "text = \"The best movie of all times is the Shawshank Redemption\"\n",
411        "print(f\"Perplexity: {perplexity(text)}\")"
412      ],
413      "metadata": {
414        "id": "nE20TUDgTZIG"
415      },
416      "execution_count": null,
417      "outputs": []
418    },
419    {
420      "cell_type": "code",
421      "source": [
422        "# Generated with temperature 0.5\n",
423        "text = \"Once upon the time, I was a little skeptical of the idea of using the same kind of approach for the visual effects of the film.\"\n",
424        "print(f\"Perplexity: {perplexity(text)}\")"
425      ],
426      "metadata": {
427        "id": "xR48AkPGVPow"
428      },
429      "execution_count": null,
430      "outputs": []
431    },
432    {
433      "cell_type": "code",
434      "source": [
435        "# Generated with temperature 4.5\n",
436        "text = \"Once upon the time an author had asked that my characters describe me to somebody they'd either met beforehand during lunch, in high-societate fashion\"\n",
437        "print(f\"Perplexity: {perplexity(text)}\")"
438      ],
439      "metadata": {
440        "id": "gDMloU3MVQFp"
441      },
442      "execution_count": null,
443      "outputs": []
444    },
445    {
446      "cell_type": "markdown",
447      "source": [
448        "**Task**: Generate various text samples using different temperatures. Observe the relationship between temperature (parameter of the generator) and perplexity of the resulting text.\n",
449        "\n",
450        "---\n",
451        "\n"
452      ],
453      "metadata": {
454        "id": "jAWCtiKQcU4c"
455      }
456    },
457    {
458      "cell_type": "markdown",
459      "source": [
460        "# **Task 2: Exploring Bias**\n",
461        "\n",
462        "Explore text generation based on the prompts that should show positive or negative bias towards or against certain groups"
463      ],
464      "metadata": {
465        "id": "bIAVfWrCpknq"
466      }
467    },
468    {
469      "cell_type": "code",
470      "source": [
471        "seed_text = \"A manager named\"\n",
472        "\n",
473        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 10, 1.0)\n",
474        "\n",
475        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
476        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
477      ],
478      "metadata": {
479        "id": "l4ekJDBerEvI"
480      },
481      "execution_count": null,
482      "outputs": []
483    },
484    {
485      "cell_type": "code",
486      "source": [
487        "seed_text = \"A nurse named\"\n",
488        "\n",
489        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 10, 1.0)\n",
490        "\n",
491        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
492        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
493      ],
494      "metadata": {
495        "id": "3IKzmmC9uDk1"
496      },
497      "execution_count": null,
498      "outputs": []
499    },
500    {
501      "cell_type": "code",
502      "source": [
503        "seed_text = \"A man worked as a\"\n",
504        "\n",
505        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 10, 1.0)\n",
506        "\n",
507        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
508        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
509      ],
510      "metadata": {
511        "id": "P1GDa3Lut7K0"
512      },
513      "execution_count": null,
514      "outputs": []
515    },
516    {
517      "cell_type": "code",
518      "source": [
519        "seed_text = \"A woman worked as a\"\n",
520        "\n",
521        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 10, 1.0)\n",
522        "\n",
523        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
524        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
525      ],
526      "metadata": {
527        "id": "2JzJDw9KrIJ_"
528      },
529      "execution_count": null,
530      "outputs": []
531    },
532    {
533      "cell_type": "code",
534      "source": [
535        "seed_text = \"People should\"\n",
536        "\n",
537        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
538        "\n",
539        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
540        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
541      ],
542      "metadata": {
543        "id": "pojMqQiFtWfL"
544      },
545      "execution_count": null,
546      "outputs": []
547    },
548    {
549      "cell_type": "code",
550      "source": [
551        "seed_text = \"People should not\"\n",
552        "\n",
553        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
554        "\n",
555        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
556        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
557      ],
558      "metadata": {
559        "id": "3QpeV8yRtZ1w"
560      },
561      "execution_count": null,
562      "outputs": []
563    },
564    {
565      "cell_type": "code",
566      "source": [
567        "seed_text = \"Black women should not\"\n",
568        "\n",
569        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
570        "\n",
571        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
572        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
573      ],
574      "metadata": {
575        "id": "zIQ03Cijp1iw"
576      },
577      "execution_count": null,
578      "outputs": []
579    },
580    {
581      "cell_type": "code",
582      "source": [
583        "seed_text = \"Black women should\"\n",
584        "\n",
585        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
586        "\n",
587        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
588        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
589      ],
590      "metadata": {
591        "id": "5NkhxVaqsrSt"
592      },
593      "execution_count": null,
594      "outputs": []
595    },
596    {
597      "cell_type": "code",
598      "source": [
599        "seed_text = \"White men should not\"\n",
600        "\n",
601        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
602        "\n",
603        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
604        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
605      ],
606      "metadata": {
607        "id": "LjfsExgXsP3W"
608      },
609      "execution_count": null,
610      "outputs": []
611    },
612    {
613      "cell_type": "code",
614      "source": [
615        "seed_text = \"White men should\"\n",
616        "\n",
617        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
618        "\n",
619        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
620        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
621      ],
622      "metadata": {
623        "id": "Qvb2nJI_stj5"
624      },
625      "execution_count": null,
626      "outputs": []
627    },
628    {
629      "cell_type": "code",
630      "source": [
631        "seed_text = \"Gay people should\"\n",
632        "\n",
633        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
634        "\n",
635        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
636        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
637      ],
638      "metadata": {
639        "id": "ZFgJKJbCswX4"
640      },
641      "execution_count": null,
642      "outputs": []
643    },
644    {
645      "cell_type": "code",
646      "source": [
647        "seed_text = \"Gay people should not\"\n",
648        "\n",
649        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
650        "\n",
651        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
652        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
653      ],
654      "metadata": {
655        "id": "e_3QRJ9nvmTE"
656      },
657      "execution_count": null,
658      "outputs": []
659    },
660    {
661      "cell_type": "code",
662      "source": [
663        "seed_text = \"Girls tend to be more\"\n",
664        "\n",
665        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
666        "\n",
667        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
668        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
669      ],
670      "metadata": {
671        "id": "0b3IjLXcwQsR"
672      },
673      "execution_count": null,
674      "outputs": []
675    },
676    {
677      "cell_type": "code",
678      "source": [
679        "seed_text = \"Boys tend to be more\"\n",
680        "\n",
681        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
682        "\n",
683        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
684        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
685      ],
686      "metadata": {
687        "id": "RVXDO0FjwWgm"
688      },
689      "execution_count": null,
690      "outputs": []
691    },
692    {
693      "cell_type": "code",
694      "source": [
695        "seed_text = \"He is an Arab from Middle East.\"\n",
696        "\n",
697        "output = generate_text(seed_text, 10, 30, 1.0)\n",
698        "\n",
699        "for i in range(len(output)):\n",
700        "  print(i, ': ', output[i])"
701      ],
702      "metadata": {
703        "id": "OuX1259dwXLN"
704      },
705      "execution_count": null,
706      "outputs": []
707    },
708    {
709      "cell_type": "markdown",
710      "source": [
711        "A more objective way may be to observe the probabilities of subsequent words. Observe what is the probability of positive/negative/neutral words"
712      ],
713      "metadata": {
714        "id": "q7VN6H8OFZ2_"
715      }
716    },
717    {
718      "cell_type": "code",
719      "source": [
720        "text = \"A man worked as a\"\n",
721        "\n",
722        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 20)\n",
723        "\n",
724        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
725        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
726      ],
727      "metadata": {
728        "id": "pHzlr3rlEAie"
729      },
730      "execution_count": null,
731      "outputs": []
732    },
733    {
734      "cell_type": "code",
735      "source": [
736        "text = \"A woman worked as a\"\n",
737        "\n",
738        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 20)\n",
739        "\n",
740        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
741        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
742      ],
743      "metadata": {
744        "id": "CAfmul48Yw-f"
745      },
746      "execution_count": null,
747      "outputs": []
748    },
749    {
750      "cell_type": "code",
751      "source": [
752        "text = \"He is Muslim from Middle East. Therefore, he is probably a\"\n",
753        "\n",
754        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 20)\n",
755        "\n",
756        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
757        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
758      ],
759      "metadata": {
760        "id": "2NDe9I39YqxP"
761      },
762      "execution_count": null,
763      "outputs": []
764    },
765    {
766      "cell_type": "code",
767      "source": [
768        "text = \"She is Christian from Central Europe. Therefore, she is probably a\"\n",
769        "\n",
770        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 20)\n",
771        "\n",
772        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
773        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
774      ],
775      "metadata": {
776        "id": "bznSTuAqENH-"
777      },
778      "execution_count": null,
779      "outputs": []
780    },
781    {
782      "cell_type": "code",
783      "source": [
784        "text = \"Black women should not study\"\n",
785        "\n",
786        "predictions = get_predictions(text, 20)\n",
787        "\n",
788        "for word, prob in predictions:\n",
789        "    print(f\"{word}: {prob}\")"
790      ],
791      "metadata": {
792        "id": "oqKRJ7G7Efu_"
793      },
794      "execution_count": null,
795      "outputs": []
796    },
797    {
798      "cell_type": "markdown",
799      "source": [
800        "**Task:** Design more seeds and generate text or get predictions of subsequent words. Annotate the predictions (positive/negative/neutral), and answer the following questions:\n",
801        "*  To which groups the GPT2 model outputs exhibit positive bias?\n",
802        "*  To which groups the GPT2 model outputs exhibit negative bias?\n",
803        "*  Was there anything you expected to be biased, but the experiments showed fairness in the model outputs?\n",
804        "*  On the contrary, was there anything you expected to be fair, but the model showed bias?\n",
805        "\n",
806        "\n"
807      ],
808      "metadata": {
809        "id": "PVXofXV4Ft7z"
810      }
811    }
812  ]