= Project Topics for Karel Pepper = The following list presents ideas to be developed with Karel Pepper, the robot [[PageOutline(3,List of topics,inline)]] === Domain-oriented dialog === The most common application, which broadens the communication skills of Karel Pepper, is a domain-oriented or task-oriented dialog. An example may be a discussion with Pepper about particular data from public transport (departures, time tables, car locations, ...) obtained via on-line API. See also [https://gitlab.fi.muni.cz/nlp/dialog_translations_czc dialog_translations_czc] for translating the English dialogs in Pepper. === Task-oriented activity === The robot is capable of moving to a specified location, analyzing its camera views, looking for people or objects, grasping light objects with a hand etc. === Interactive game === Robot can play various games, either word games or games interacting via its tablet. === Improving robots moving capabilities === Pepper robots have quite broad set of [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/naoqi/motion/index.html capabilities related to moving], but only prototype tools exist for e.g. walking with the robot or the robot following a person. === Activity analyzer === Within the process of increasing the number of Karel's applications, a reporting tool is needed which would aggregate and organize information about the robot's daily life. === Broadening the concept lexicon === The robot dialogs share common `concept`s which are advantageously shared within a ''lexicon''. The Czech lexicon can be partly generated from various resources with manual adding of ''useful'' phrases. === Simulation Environments for Pepper === There are various software simulation environments that support Pepper - the original [http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/software/choregraphe/index.html Choregraphe] tool by Softbank, [https://github.com/ProtolabSBRE/qibullet qiBullet], [https://github.com/morse-simulator/morse MORSE], or [http://gazebosim.org/ Gazebo]. The task is to test them and choose the best one for running Pepper simulations without the robot. See also a [https://pub.uni-bielefeld.de/download/2916790/2916921/open-simulation-environment.pdf paper about open simulation environment] for Pepper.