
Version 2 (modified by hales, 5 years ago) (diff)



command-line watch Pepper's logs with text highlighting

  • logview
    watches and prints all logs in /var/log/naoqi/ with colored date, time and errors
  • logview dialog
    filter and highlight log parts related to dialog (see the source code for specifics)
  • logview detect
    filter and highlight log parts related to person detection (see the source code for specifics)
  • logview -f coming -f mov\\w+,bright_red -k
    highlight log parts containing the text coming (case insensitive, in default yellow) or (sub)words starting with mov in bright red. Non-filter texts are also displayed (-k)


The tool is in Perl. It needs a perl module File::Tail from CPAN. Easy installation with Pepper:

cpan File::Tail