= Instructions to install Pepper software = * find out the credentials in case you are installing at FI MU or at the [https://www.aldebaran.com/en/support/pepper-naoqi-2-9/downloads-softwares Aldebaran page] (Old: Choregraphe, Requested licence key) * otherwise, you may download the tools from [https://www.aldebaran.com/fr/support/pepper-naoqi-2-9/downloads-softwares Aldebaran] (sections Old: Choregraphe and Old: Pepper SDK, find version 2.5.10) - for [https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/2.5.10/Choregraphe/choregraphe-suite- Linux], [https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/2.5.10/Choregraphe/choregraphe-suite- Mac] (supports [https://www.bartneck.de/2020/11/10/softbank-robotics-choregraphe-software-incompatible-with-mac-os-x-10-15-catalina/ OS X 10.11 only]), or [https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/2.5.10/Choregraphe/choregraphe-suite- Windows]. As the software is getting quite old without updates, the least problematic run is on Linux, some Windows setups work and some not, and almost no current Mac installation can be used for the software. With problems on Windows, a viable solution is to use VMware with Ubuntu virtual machine. * install Choregraphe: * download `choregraphe-suite-` * run {{{ chmod +x choregraphe-suite- sudo ./choregraphe-suite- }}} * go on with the default installation to `/opt` * try to run {{{ "/opt/Softbank Robotics/Choregraphe Suite 2.5/bin/choregraphe_launcher" }}} in case of error {{{ /opt/Softbank Robotics/Choregraphe Suite 2.5/bin/../lib/../lib/../lib/libz.so.1: version `ZLIB_1.2.9' not found (required by /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng16.so.16) }}} run {{{ cd "/opt/Softbank Robotics/Choregraphe Suite 2.5/lib/" sudo mv libz.so.1 libz.so.1.old sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 }}} For the current Ubuntu Linux, you may need to install other packages to obtain the requested `lib*.so` libraries by running {{{ sudo apt install libgl-dev libxt6 libxaw7 }}} * [=#sdk install] [https://community-static.aldebaran.com/resources/2.5.10/Python%20SDK/pynaoqi-python2.7- Python SDK] for Linux: * install `python2-dev` or `qttools5-dev-tools`/`qt5-linguist` or `qt4-linguist-tools` * download `pynaoqi-python2.7-` * run {{{ cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages sudo tar xvfz /pynaoqi-python2.7- sudo bash -c "echo /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pynaoqi-python2.7- \ > pynaoqi-python2.7.pth" }}} * edit `/usr/local/bin/qi*` and change the first line from {{{ #!/usr/bin/python }}} to {{{ #!/usr/bin/python2 }}} * test with (note that `python2` must be old Python 2.7) {{{ python2 -c 'import qi' }}} * if something goes wrong, check that: * `python2 -c 'import sys;print "\n".join(sys.path)'` includes `/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pynaoqi-python2.7-` * the current user has ''read access'' to the files and subdirectories in this directory. You may need {{{ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pynaoqi-python2.7- }}} * install [http://doc.aldebaran.com/qibuild/beginner/getting_started.html qiBuild] (again for Python 2.7): {{{ sudo pip2 install qibuild paramiko }}} * [=#ssh setup easy **ssh** access] to the robot via the SSH config file Create a special SSH key using the command: {{{ ssh-keygen -m PEM -t ecdsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/pepper }}} Add the following lines to `~/.ssh/config` (replace `HostName` IP address with the actual IP of your robot): {{{ Host pepper User nao HostName # IdentityFile is important for install_pkg.py IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pepper StrictHostKeyChecking no PubkeyAuthentication yes }}}