
Version 18 (modified by xmedved1, 2 years ago) (diff)


NoSketch Engine

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Welcome to NoSketch Engine, an open-source project combining Manatee and Bonito and Crystal into a powerful and free corpus management system. NoSketch Engine is a limited version of the software empowering the famous Sketch Engine service, a commercial variant offering word sketches, thesaurus, keyword computation, user-friendly corpus creation and many other excellent features.

Try Sketch Engine trial account - word sketches, thesaurus, keywords, online corpus building and space for your corpora, online availability and technical support. See overview of Sketch Engine versus NoSketch Engine.


For receiving updates about new versions and futures, please subscribe to the NoSketch Engine Google group.


You are free to use the documentation available for commercial Sketch Engine.

System requirements

NoSketch Engine packages are available for a Linux distribution CentOS 7 64 bit. The requirements: 8 GB of RAM; 20 GB of space, SSD is strongly preferred; (CPU): contemporary 64-bit Intel or AMD processor.

NoSketch Engine packages


Manatee is a corpus management and query system. License: GPLv2+.


Bonito is an API interface for the Manatee corpus management system. License: GPLv2+.


GDEX (Good Dictionary Examples) is a Bonito module for sorting concordances according to their suitability as dictionary examples. License: GPLv3.


Crystal is a web interface for Sketch Engine. License: GPLv3.

third party dependencies

  • You may install python-prctl and Bonito will use it to setup nice process titles for background jobs (that you will see in the output of the ps command and similar).

    Bonito RPM package requires python3-prctl, you can ignore the dependency (rpm -ivh ./bonito-open-*.el7.noarch.rpm --nodeps) or you can build python3-prctl RPM package from python-prctl sources (git clone ; cd python-prctl/ ; sed -i 's|name = "python-prctl"|name = "python3-prctl"|' ; ./ bdist_rpm).
  • You may install openpyxl and Bonito will use it to export into Office Open XML format (xlsx).

    Bonito RPM package requires python3-openpyxl, you can ignore the dependency (rpm -ivh ./bonito-open-*.el7.noarch.rpm --nodeps) or you can build python3-openpyxl RPM package from openpyxl sources (hg clone ; cd openpyxl ; sed -i "s|name='openpyxl'|name='python3-openpyxl'|" ; sed -i "1c#\!/usr/bin/python3" ; ./ bdist_rpm).


Latest stable release

You should always download the latest versions of all components.

manatee-open bonito-open gdex crystal-open sample corpus
tar.gz manatee-open-2.208.tar.gz bonito-open-5.57.6.tar.gz gdex-4.12.tar.gz crystal-open-2.114.tar.gz susanne-example-source.tar.bz2
rpm (Centos 7) 2.208 5.57.6 4.12 2.114 2.208

Release notes

IMPORTANT: When updating from a version of Manatee before 2.207.2, existing corpora need to be recompiled or updated in-place by executing


for every corpus. If you don't do this, the process will be automatically started as a background job when new indices are needed, making users to wait (up to several minutes for big corpora) until it finishes.

Older releases

Older releases can be downloaded from the archive.

Build and installation


tar xzvf manatee-open-<version>.tar.gz
cd manatee-open-<version>
./configure --with-pcre
sudo make install


tar xzvf bonito-open-<version>.tar.gz
cd bonito-open-<version>
sudo make install
sudo ./setupbonito <CGIPATH> <DATAPATH> 
# where CGIPATH is the your webserver CGI directory and DATAPATH is a data directory writable by the webserver


tar xzvf gdex-<version>.tar.gz
cd gdex-<version>
sed -i "s/<version>/$VERSION/g"
./ build
sudo ./ install


tar xzvf crystal-open-<version>.tar.gz
cd crsytal-open-<version>
sudo make install VERSION=<version>

Installation from RPM packages

NoSketch Engine packages

rpm -ivh crystal-open-*.el7.noarch bonito-open-*.el7.noarch manatee-open-*.el7.x86_64 manatee-open-python3-*.el7.x86_64

sample corpora

rpm -ivh manatee-open-susanne-*.el7.noarch


Apache (httpd) configuration without authentication

        Alias /crystal /var/www/crystal

        Alias /bonito /var/www/bonito

        <Directory /var/www/bonito>
                AllowOverride All
                Options +ExecCGI -Indexes
                AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Apache (httpd) configuration with authentication

        Alias /crystal-auth /var/www/crystal

        Alias /bonito-auth /var/www/bonito

        <Directory /var/www/bonito>
                AllowOverride All
                Options +ExecCGI -Indexes
                AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
                <LimitExcept OPTIONS>
                        <Location "/bonito-auth">
                                AuthType Basic
                                AuthName "Secure Content"
                                AuthUserFile /var/lib/bonito/htpasswd
                                Require valid-user

Apache (httpd) configuration with authentication and self-registration

        Alias /crystal-registration /var/www/crystal

        Alias /bonito-registration /var/www/bonito

        <Directory /var/www/bonito>
                AllowOverride All
                Options +ExecCGI -Indexes
                AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
                <LimitExcept OPTIONS>
                       <Location "/bonito-auth">
                                AuthType Basic
                                AuthName "Secure Content"
                                AuthUserFile /var/lib/bonito/htpasswd
                                                Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/bonito-registration/registration.cgi/register_user_new.*#
                                        Require valid-user

Bonito (run.cgi) configuration

Bonito configuration file is run.cgi you may run multiple instances just by copying this file and changing the configuration. To enable authentication set _anonymous = False. If you run Crystal on a different hostname than Bonito, you may need to setup CORS headers appropriately, see the top of the run.cgi file.

Bonito provides simple registration feature which configuration is in registration.cgi. By default the registration feature is disabled.

To enable self-registration you have to:

  • add URL_REGISTER_NEW_USER endpoint into Crystal (config.js)
  • set self._enable_registration inside registration.cgi to True

The registration module works in three different modes:

  • Disabled - no self registration is allowed
  • Enabled with no allow/deny feature - user can make a registration and enter into the system
  • Enabled with allow/deny feature - after user make registration an access request e-mail is send to admins that have to allow or deny the user access
    • requires to set variables _smtp_server and _from_mail in registration.cgi appropriately

Files related to registration:

  • /var/lib/bonito/registration/admins - list of all admin users that can allow or deny new registration - login per line
  • /var/lib/bonito/registration/users - list of all users (including admins, approved and denied users) - tab separated values: login, full_name, e-mail, address, phone number
  • /var/lib/bonito/registration/invalid_users - list of denied users - login per line

Crystal (config.js) configuration

# set URL to run.cgi script of bonito

# URL of endpoint for registering new users (e.g bonito/registration.cgi). Leave empty to disable registration.


Finlib, Manatee and Bonito have been crafted by Pavel Rychlý, starting with his PhD thesis. Sketch Engine is product of Lexical Computing. When using NoSketch Engine for research purposes, please cite the following two publications:

RYCHLÝ, Pavel. Manatee/Bonito-A Modular Corpus Manager. In: RASLAN. 2007. p. 65-70.

  title={Manatee/Bonito-A Modular Corpus Manager.},
  author={Rychl{\`y}, Pavel},

KILGARRIFF, Adam, et al. The Sketch Engine: Ten Years on. Lexicography, 2014, 1.1: 7-36.

  title={The Sketch Engine: ten years on},
  author={Kilgarriff, Adam and Baisa, V{\'\i}t and Bu{\v{s}}ta, Jan and Jakub{\'\i}{\v{c}}ek, Milo{\v{s}} and Kov{\'a}{\v{r}}, Vojt{\v{e}}ch and Michelfeit, Jan and Rychl{\`y}, Pavel and Suchomel, V{\'\i}t},

When using the GDEX module, please cite:

KOSEM, Iztok, et al. Identification and automatic extraction of good dictionary examples: the case (s) of GDEX. International Journal of Lexicography, 2019, 32.2: 119-137.

  title={Identification and automatic extraction of good dictionary examples: the case (s) of GDEX},
  author={Kosem, Iztok and Koppel, Kristina and Zingano Kuhn, Tanara and Michelfeit, Jan and Tiberius, Carole},
  journal={International Journal of Lexicography},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}

For a list of related publications, please refer to the Sketch Engine publications page.

Testing installation

NoSketch Engine plain installation:

NoSketch Engine with enabled authentication (test/t):

NoSketch Engine with enabled authentication and registration:

(No)Sketch Engine installations over the world

Attachments (1)

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