Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WikiStart

May 17, 2024, 8:43:20 PM (2 months ago)



  • WikiStart

    v1 v2  
    1 = Welcome to Trac
     1= LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ = #header
    3 Trac is a '''minimalistic''' approach to '''web-based''' management of
    4 '''software projects'''. Its goal is to simplify effective tracking and
    5 handling of software issues, enhancements and overall progress.
     3[[Image(index.png, align=right)]]
    7 All aspects of Trac have been designed with the single goal to
    8 '''help developers write great software''' while '''staying out of the way'''
    9 and imposing as little as possible on a team's established process and
    10 culture.
     5LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ is a Czech centre for data providing certified storage and natural language processing services. It is a unification of two research infrastructures – LINDAT/CLARIN  and  DARIAH-CZ –  which deals primarily with language data but also with other digital resources and tools for their exploitation, maintenance, and enhancement and offers them to the research community, to industry for the development of applications and in specific cases, such as e.g. language culture, also directly to the public domain.
    12 As all Wiki pages, this page is editable, this means that you can
    13 modify the contents of this page simply by using your
    14 web-browser. Simply click on the "Edit this page" link at the bottom
    15 of the page. WikiFormatting will give you a detailed description of
    16 available Wiki formatting commands.
     7More information about the infrastructure can be found at [], you can find the repository [ here]
    18 "[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] ''yourenvdir'' initenv" created
    19 a new Trac environment, containing a default set of wiki pages and some sample
    20 data. This newly created environment also contains
    21 [wiki:TracGuide documentation] to help you get started with your project.
     9If you are a part of the NLP Centre and want to publish your results, you can find the instructions in AddToInfrastructure.
    23 You can use [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] to configure
    24 [ Trac] to better fit your project, especially in
    25 regard to ''components'', ''versions'' and ''milestones''.
     11= LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Project Info
     13Masaryk University provides more information about the current project at
     15== Acknowledgements
     17According to your relationship to LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, please use the following formulations to properly acknowledge the project in papers, on the web, etc.
     19For projects funded in full or in part by LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, which might or might not, at the same time, use or create some LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ data, services or tools: **[The work described herein] has [also]* been supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Project No. LM2023062 LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ.**
     21For projects funded from other sources only, which use or contribute to LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ data, tools, and services, including indirectly (e.g., by using a tool developed on LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ resources or data originally residing on LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ, etc.). In this case, please also note that the publication or other result must be entered into the RIV database as supported by the RI (starting 2020): **[The work described herein] has [also]* been using [data/tools/services]* provided by the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure (, supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (Project No. LM2023062).**
     23If you are part of Masaryk University, please mark the infrastructure properly in the IS > Publications: In the section //Linking outcomes and projects//, choose the option //large research infrastructure// and fill in the identification code **LM2023062**.
     27= Data and Services submitted by FI MU
     29The list goes here
    28 TracGuide is a good place to start.
    30 Enjoy! [[BR]]
    31 ''The Trac Team''
    33 == Starting Points
    35  * TracGuide --  Built-in Documentation
    36  * [ The Trac project] -- Trac Open Source Project
    37  * [ Trac FAQ] -- Frequently Asked Questions
    38  * TracSupport --  Trac Support
    40 For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.