Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of CzAccent

May 17, 2024, 9:03:08 PM (2 months ago)



  • CzAccent

    v1 v1  
     1= Czaccent
     3== Description
     4The `czaccent` system adds diacritics into Czech text without diacritics; it uses statistical evaluation of all possible variants. The working data was trained on a very large Czech corpus. The system can be used as a command line tool or a web service. It is also available as API; see [].
     6More information about the system can be found in RYCHLÝ, Pavel. !CzAccent - Simple Tool for Restoring Accents in Czech Texts. In Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý (eds.). 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing. Brno: Tribun EU, 2012. s. 15-22. ISBN 978-80-263-0313-8.
     8== How to use the tool
     9You can insert text up to tens of kB into the input field. If the conversion doesn't work for longer texts, the problem is in your browser or on the way to the server (firewall, proxy).
     11The data from the form can be saved in two ways: by default, to improve the service, we save the entered plain text (and no other data related to the query) as test data. If you choose the 'Neukládat text' option, we only save the IP address of the request so that we know how often this service is requested. If necessary, you can request that your data be deleted by emailing the contact below. You must specify the text or IP address in the request, as we cannot identify them otherwise.
     13[tady by měl být funkční formulář (viz [ původní stránku])]
     15== Acknowledgements
     16This software was developed within the projects LC536 and 2C06009 and is owned by Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, NLP Centre.
     18If you use the system, please cite the related publication as well as the LINDAT/CLARIAH infrastructure: [link do repozitáře (handle daného submission)]
     22   author = {Rychlý, Pavel},
     23   address = {Brno},
     24   booktitle = {6th Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing},
     25   editor = {Aleš Horák, Pavel Rychlý},
     26   location = {Brno},
     27   isbn = {978-80-263-0313-8},
     28   pages = {15-22},
     29   publisher = {Tribun EU},
     30   title = {CzAccent - Simple Tool for Restoring Accents in Czech Texts},
     31   year = {2012}}
     34== Licence
     35License terms can be found [ here].