Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of AddToInfrastructure

May 17, 2024, 8:54:45 PM (2 months ago)



  • AddToInfrastructure

    v1 v1  
     1= How to publish my results
     3If your research in the NLP Centre yields results that can be included in the infrastructure, we encourage you to add them to the [ Lindat repository].
     5== Adding the result to the infrastructure
     7When making a deposit into the infrastructure, the recommended information to include is:
     8- **description**: include the related publication + information how to cite it (the citation + the data in Bib(La)TeX format
     9- **licence**: you can use the NLP [ web service] or [ corpus licence]
     10- **affiliation**: mark the relation to the NLP Centre (include the NLP Centre as the Publisher in the LINDAT repository)
     11- **archive** should contain 1) README file including the instructions, brief description, and information on how to cite the result (related paper); 2) .bib file of the related publication; 3) optionally, you can add a pdf of the related publication
     13When developing a new version of your result that is already included in the repository, update the information there as well (add a new version).
     15== FAIR Data
     17Whenever possible, make your data follow the FAIR principles. The research infrastructure supports you in making so.
     19- **F**indable: while LINDAT supports search, it is great if you can provide rich and explicit metadata
     20- **A**ccessible: use open protocols whenever possible, use authentication whenever needed
     21- **I**nteroperable: prefer well-established metadata vocabularies whenever possible (e.g., Dublin Core for document description), provide links to other data if applicable (e.g. !WikiData)
     22- **R**eusable: use community standards (e.g. !GitLab, !PapersWithCode), publish licences
     24Find more on FAIR principles:
     26== Webpage on
     28This section includes information on the recommended webpage content of a result published in the repository. It should include:
     30- **description**: a brief introduction and the related publication
     31- **the tool/service**: is it a demo, API, or command-line tool? How to use it?
     32- **acknowledgments**: related projects, how to cite, link to the repository
     33- **licence**
     35== Example
     37A practical example can be found at [ czaccent].