
Version 54 (modified by Martin Kolman, 12 years ago) (diff)



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ModRana is a flexible GPS navigation software for (not only) mobile Linux devices.

ModRana is based on Rana and written in Python. The only dependencies other than Python 2.5+ needed for running modRana are PyGTK and Cairo for running the GTK GUI.

For the QML GUI, Qt, PySide and QtComponents are needed.

  • to enable voice navigation, install espeak (modRana runs just fine without it but it doesn't "speak" :) )


Visit the screenshot gallery to see modRana in its whole glory ! :)


This section demonstrates the functionality of modRana.

This short guide shows, how to enable turn-by-turn navigation with spoken directions in modRana.

How to use offline routing: See the modRana offline routing guide on the wiki.

Where does modRana store maps, tracklogs, POI and configuration files ? Check out the data storage article.

See the GUI map (old graphical version - 2.6 MB PDF).


A short quide describing how to use the various fetures provided by modRana. [work in progress]

Supported Platforms

The target platform for modRana is Maemo 5 on the Nokia N900.

Are you a N900 user ? Check out the modRana thread at :)

ModRana also works on the Nokia N9/N950, Openmoko Neo FreeRunner, Smart Q7, OpenPandora handheld and standard Linux PCs.

It is quite possible, that modRana also works on other devices, thanks to the low dependency count.


Instalation packages are available for:

There is also an universal tar archive. This is also basically the complete modRana source code.


Donations for the modRana project are more than welcome! :)

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ModRana has been in development since spring 2010 and has achieved some interesting milestones, such as:

  • fall 2012 support for offline routing & own offline routing data repository
  • summer/fall 2012 modRana wins the 1st place in Coding Competition 2012, Updates & Development on Existing Apps category
  • fall 2011 modRana wins the 2nd place in MeeGo Coding Competition 2011, Location & Navigation category
  • spring 2011 new QML GUI
  • summer 2010 modRana wins the 3rd place in Maemo Coding Competition 1, Location & Navigation category


Information about modRana development & how you can help with it. :)

Contains information of how modRana works under the hood & various development notes.

ModRana source code is hosted on Github:

Pull requests & patches are welcome ! :)

Contact the developer

My name is Martin Kolman and you can reach me on:

jabber: m4rtink at jabbim dot cz

email: modrana at gmail dot com

my activity overview