Version 11 (modified by 12 years ago) (diff) | ,
Switching map layers
Map laeyers can be switched using the menu->options->Map->Map layers submenu.
Multiple layers
To show more than one map layer at once, use the menu->options->Map->Map layers submenu to:
- enable/disable map overlay
- select the background and overlay layers
- configure opacity of the overlay layer
Quick jump to the map screen
To quickly jump to the map screen from any menu, just press and hold the back arrow.
Map rotation
To enable map rotation, go to the menu->options->Map->Rotation submenu. Please note that map rotation only takes effect when map centereing is on.
Set current position manually
ModRana center on the last known position on startup automatically. This should be not an issue if you have a GPS fix - but if you are running modRana on a device without GPS, you might want to override the "current position" coordinates.
To do that, first create a POI on the the desired coordinates (POI->Add new POI->from map). Then in the tools menu of this newly created POI, select set as as position. And thats it, you position indicator should now be centered on the POI.
NOTE: If you want to do this on a device that has a working GPS, you should probably turn it off first (Options->Location->GPS), or it would quickly overwrite the position you just set with real coordinates.
Focus on coordinates on startup
ModRana centers on the last known position on startup. To disable centering & focus on a set of coordinates instead, you can use the --focus-on-coordinates command line option.
./ --focus-on-coordinates="geo:51.0,14.5"