| 19 | |
| 20 | === Set current position === |
| 21 | !ModRana center on the last known position on startup automatically. This should be not an issue if you have a GPS fix - but if you are running modRana on a device without GPS, you might want to override the "current position" coordinates. |
| 22 | |
| 23 | To do that, first create a POI on the the desired coordinates ('''POI->Add new POI->from map'''). Then in the ''tools'' menu of this newly created POI, select '''set as as position'''. And thats it, you position indicator should now be centered on the POI. |
| 24 | |
| 25 | NOTE: If you want to do this on a device that ''has'' a working GPS, you should probably turn it off first ('''Options->Location->GPS'''), or it would quickly overwrite the position you just set with real coordinates. |