Custom Query (118 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 118)

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Owner: Martin Kolman (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#52 Maemo 5@N900: modRana freezing defect critical gps
#223 Modrana - Map Batch Download Fail defect critical milestone1 gps 2.0
#2 overhaul the POI menu enhancement major gps
#15 after a big tile download modRana GUI crashes defect major gps
#29 automatic rerouting enhancement major gps
#30 N900: add direct calling of local search result numbers enhancement major gps
#35 widget system overhaul defect major gps
#38 add "button pressed" feedback enhancement major gps
#48 add easy jumping to track/route start/destination enhancement major gps
#49 tracklog renaming, route naming enhancement major gps
#51 use source zoomlevel for batch download while scaled defect major gps
#61 add tracklog re/naming, deleting enhancement major gps
#66 Add more routing messages + improve the routing message box enhancement major gps
#67 add a boat mode enhancement major gps
#68 voice directions defect major gps
#69 POI: sort by distance & search by typing enhancement major gps
#78 Maemo@N900: switch between turns with the volume rocker enhancement major gps
#81 SHR@NEO: wrong speed displayed due to FSO-GPSD defect major gps
#94 Routing: add support for waypoints enhancement major gps
#115 Add more features for working with POI enhancement major gps
#131 gpx file rendered with garbled edges defect major gps
#137 EV charging stations enhancement major gps
#143 make routing box position configurable enhancement major gps
#145 weather info integration enhancement major gps
#146 barometer support enhancement major gps
#149 better voice navigation messages enhancement major gps
#153 batch download tiles around current route enhancement major gps
#156 tile update enhancement major gps
#159 log every / save every discrepancy after restart defect major gps
#160 quit confirmation dialog enhancement major gps
#161 log a track logging state is not restored after restart defect major gps
#162 Walk mode should have higher "log every" default defect major gps
#168 QML UI: improve point display enhancement major gps
#169 QML UI: pinch gesture in icon grid enhancement major gps
#171 QML UI: Zoomable text fields enhancement major gps
#179 QML UI: enable notifications enhancement major gps
#180 QML UI@N900: interface glitched outside of fullscreen defect major gps
#181 QML UI@N9/950: add support for screen blanking control enhancement major gps
#182 QR codes for points/coordinates enhancement major gps
#183 QML GUI: remember last used zoom defect major gps
#184 QML GUI: set fallback location to Brno as in GTK UI defect major gps
#185 QML GUI: automatically zoom in/out when holding a zoom button enhancement major gps
#191 Handle ampersand in POI name defect major gps
#192 Load POI detail module when POIs from last time are restored defect major gps
#195 average speed calculation wrong defect major gps
#205 device module : provide default tile storage method enhancement major gps
#217 scroll wheel support enhancement major gps
#219 white screen from POIDetail submenu defect major gps
#221 GTK UI: Black map screen after clicking on POI and returning back defect major gps
#222 Ignore liblocation "center of the country" info enhancement major gps
#8 show whole world on the screen defect minor gps
#11 retimestamp a gpx file from the master timestamp enhancement minor gps
#14 add clories/fuel estimation function enhancement minor gps
#17 send position by sms enhancement minor gps
#18 add social network iteraction enhancement minor gps
#19 clikable tracklogs enhancement minor gps
#31 draw a custom route enhancement minor gps
#34 add quick search widget enhancement minor gps
#37 voice: messages with empty distance string defect minor gps
#47 add jump-to-zoomlevel widget enhancement minor gps
#50 add batch import of tiles to db enhancement minor gps
#58 "burn" tracks to map tiles enhancement minor gps
#60 edit the Espeak substitution list from GUI enhancement minor gps
#62 store directions when saving route enhancement minor gps
#63 special mode for batch downloads enhancement minor gps
#64 map data management tool enhancement minor milestone2 gps 2.0
#70 add support for knots enhancement minor gps
#71 Point to Point distance measurement enhancement minor gps
#72 boat: add weather, moonphase & tide info enhancement minor gps
#73 free navigation (arrow + distance to a given POI/coordinates) enhancement minor gps
#76 export POI as a GPX file enhancement minor gps
#77 Maemo@N900+possibly other: remember and restore internet connection state enhancement minor gps
#79 ask to enable GPS enhancement minor gps
#86 list all navigation steps enhancement minor gps
#90 improve the GPX example tracks enhancement minor gps
#93 UI: only show "route" button when applicable enhancement minor gps
#95 Routing: make start/destination indicators dragable enhancement minor gps
#96 anchor alarm enhancement minor gps
#98 batch download: add download visible mode enhancement minor gps
#99 batch download: around view -> around point + imporvements enhancement minor gps
#101 tile loding/download: Loading tiles stuck after switching network access rules defect minor gps
#113 Add optional GPS shutdown timeout enhancement minor gps
#114 Add an easy way of manually setting current position enhancement minor gps
#116 show onscreen menu/widget when track logging is in progress enhancement minor gps
#128 shop screen edge arrows to offscreen POIxserach results enhancement minor gps
#130 SHR@Neo automatic GPS start/stop enhancement minor gps
#134 Show whole tracklog on map enhancement minor gps
#135 cancel download of no longer visible tiles enhancement minor milestone2 gps 2.0
#139 Pressing pause when logging does not stop the time defect minor gps
#141 Better readable and configurable scale indicator enhancement minor gps
#151 smart tile preloading enhancement minor gps
#152 TBT Navigation - move position indicator location to show maximum of the route ahead on the screen enhancement minor gps
#154 modrana remote data client/server enhancement minor gps
#155 download upper zoom levels first during batch download enhancement minor gps
#164 "Route Remaining Length" widget labled incorrectly (imperial units) defect minor gps
#176 QML UI: center the loading Loading... label, remove Ready label defect minor gps
#177 QML UI: show tile debugging info enhancement minor gps
#178 GTK UI: on map logging trace broken defect minor gps
#190 add map storage path dialog to to GUI enhancement minor gps
#193 N900: notify users without CSSU when they try to launch the QML GUI enhancement minor gps
(more results for this group on next page)
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