Custom Query (118 matches)


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Results (101 - 118 of 118)

1 2

Owner: Martin Kolman (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#196 GTK UI: point2point routing - show feedback if only one point or no points are selected enhancement minor gps
#199 simple position publishing enhancement minor gps
#200 Way bounding box enhancement minor gps
#201 check out Marbles trace drawing algorithm task minor gps
#202 tracklog: if logging is paused, rename "start" to "resume" enhancement minor gps
#203 return Point coordiantes in more formats as string enhancement minor gps
#204 notifications sent during startup are not displayed defect minor gps
#207 P2P Route : missing trace from start and destination marker defect minor gps
#208 network mode: only when needed enhancement minor gps
#209 Harmattan: add spash screen enhancement minor gps
#210 Monav: add option for selecting Monav server path enhancement minor gps
#212 Farsi (Persian) support for Voice navigation enhancement minor gps
#215 CLI: option for redirecting the profile path enhancement minor gps
#216 GTK GUI: options: support for disabling option buttons enhancement minor gps
#218 manual mass POI input enhancement minor gps
#32 add support for offline routing enhancement trivial gps
#129 show ISS and other orbiting satellites on the map enhancement trivial gps
#220 test ticket task trivial gps
1 2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.