Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 78)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#44 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed add an directions/espeak output substitution list

substitute words in Google directions result according to a list

#45 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed add a skip button for the step by step routing
  • add a button that skips to the next step for step-by-step navigation
    • because of the latency between asking for a route and getting one, the last step can be "behind" you so you never reach the pointReachedDistance
  • maybe find some other method, like factoring in the current direction ?
#59 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman duplicate edit the Espeak substitution list from GUI
  • make the espeak substitution list in /opt/modrana/data/directions_filter.csv easily user editable from GUI
  • list of the substitution pairs, clicking a pair launches an entry box
    • single entry box for a pair ?
    • one entry box for target and one for substitute ?
  • delete a pair + confirm deletion
    • dedicated button
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