Custom Query (78 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#103 Martin Kolman anonymous duplicate Tracklog contains strange time


This bug was found in 0.21-1

The tracklog appears not to show the right timestamps. I made a train journey, which was longer than two seconds. The timestamps however, look like:

<time>2011-01-19T09:07:53Z</time> <time>2011-01-19T09:07:53Z</time> [......] <time>2011-01-19T09:07:54Z</time>

Btw: Could you consider to insert newlines after each </trkpt>, this would make the file a lot more readable ;)

Despite the speed of german trains, this is certainly impossible ;)

However, thanks for the great work! Modrana is my favourite mapping software right now.

#106 ZcWyCkzl anonymous invalid SPAM REMOVED
#108 Martin Kolman anonymous fixed this is a regular testing ticket

this ticket is submitted to test the sntispam system

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