Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 78)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#82 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed Maemo5@N900: store tracklogs in MyDocs
  • store tracklogs in a folder in MyDocs?
    • just "tracklogs" ? or a modRana specific prefix ?
  • migrate current tracklogs from /opt/modrana/tracklogs
#88 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed Maemo5@N900: double bug - tiles not stored in MyDocs causing postinst script to fail
  • don't chmod the cache/images directory as it should not be used on N900 due to space issues on the partion containing opt
  • investigate how the wrong tile folder patch could be used on the N900
#89 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed voice navigation: trigger messages based on time remaining to turn
  • which speed value to use ?
    • current speed ?
    • past 20 minutes average ?
    • since start average - navigation start average -> probably not usable on more complicated routes with different-speed segments
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.