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Version 13 (modified by Adam, 18 years ago) (diff)


Documentation for Web admin interface

Package: debserver-common

Password change

(change my password)

Available to all users. Here they can change their password.


Dictionary files and features definition.

short dictionary code, used as a dictionary definition
dictionary name, displayed to users
name of dbxml file
Ruby class used for dictionary API, list is fixed and contains all possible classes. File containing class definition must be included in runner script. Dictionary class is the most common.
root tag
root element of each entry
XPath of each entry key
List of indexed elements/attributes, pairs of element name (attributes name without @) and index type (choose the right type, or the wrong index may cause performance issues). For Wordnet dictionaries, basic set of indexes is filled automatically.
List of XSLT templates for entries preview, pairs of template name (used in code) and XSLT filename. For Wordnet dictionaries, basic set of templates is filled automatically.
(for Wordnet and Cornetto dictionaries) list of client packages, pairs of package code (used for identification) and package name (displayed to users). At the moment, only one package is used, but it's possible to have two different packages displaying data in different form for one dictionary. Usually, package code is the same as dictionary code with number 1.
eq tags
(for Wordnet and Cornetto dictionaries)
lookup dict
(for Wordnet and Cornetto dictionaries) List of dictionary packages to allow (auto)lookup to. List of package codes, separated by comma (,).
reload dict
(for Wordnet and Cornetto dictionaries) List of dictionaries to reload in client after entry edit. List of dictionary codes, separated by comma (,). Dictionary itself is always included.


  • code = wnen
  • name = English Wordnet
  • file = wnen.dbxml
  • class = WordNet
  • root tag = SYNSET
  • key = /SYNSET/ID
  • indexes = automatically set Wordnet indexes (for example, ID:node-element-equality-string, LITERAL:node-element-substring-string)
  • xslt = automagically set (xml:xmlpretty.xsl (for neat XML preview), preview:wn-preview.xslt, vb:wnvb.xslt)
  • packages = wneng1:English WN
  • eq tags =
  • lookup dict = wncze1,wngre1,wnfre1
  • reload dict = wncz

