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4. 4. 2020 14:03:02 (před 4 lety)



  • WikiStartEN

    v1 v1  
     2=== [[WikiStart|Česky]] | [[WikiStartEN|English]] === #languages
     4= TL03000365 AHISTO - Accessible historical sources. Making medieval written documents available in the form of a
     5contextual database =
     7Start date:  May 5, 2020 [[BR]]
     8End date:  April 30, 2023
     10== About the project ==
     11[[Image(WikiStart:cdm.jpg, width=20%, right)]]
     13The main goal of the project is to make the written sources of Czech medieval history accessible for a
     14wide range of internet users: researchers, employees of memory institutions, teachers, students, as
     15well as the broader public. The project will use digitised data from the “Czech Medieval Sources
     16Online” portal, which will be moved to the new “AHISTO” system. This system will connect image data
     17with a semi-automatically created text database that will allow for fulltext semantic searches of
     18content and metadata, the creation of advanced annotations, and structured data extractions. The
     19overall corpus size limits the first data batch to the diplomatic material from the Hussite period
     22== Project partners ==
     24 * FU: [Filosofický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.], [ Praha]
     25 * FF MU: [ Filosofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita], [ Brno]
     26 * FI MU: [ Fakulta informatiky, Masarykova univerzita], [á+68a,+Brno Brno]
     27 * LC: [ LEXICAL COMPUTING CZ s.r.o.], [ Brno] [[BR]]
     29== Supported by ==
     32<table border='0'>
     34<td width='10%'>
     35<img valign='middle' width='100%' src='/trac/ahisto/raw-attachment/wiki/WikiStart/tacr_logo.png'/>
     38<a href=''>​Technologická agentura ČR</a><br/>
     39Program ÉTA
     45== Contact ==
     47* Information:
     48* Coordinator: Robert Novotný, FÚ AV ČR
     49* Technical coordinator: Aleš Horák, FI MU
     54[wiki:int/InternalWikiStart Interní Wiki]