Language Services

Natural Language Processing Centre provides several APIs for different language services.

How to use the API

You can call the API via GET requests. See examples in the service description.


Required parameters: call=service name, text=text

Optional parameters: output=output (text/JSON applicable only for some services), lang=language (applicable only for some services)

Service-specific parameters: see service description


If output is set to json, returns always a JSON object. See example calls to check the object structure. If output set to text, outputs a text. The default format is text for most services.

Rate limits

You can call the API once a second maximum from one IP address.

The daily limit is set to 500 calls.

License, documentation

If available, click on the service name to get more information, publications, license etc.

Available languages

Available services


The licence to individual service can be found on the service homepage (a link behind the service name).

All services without a homepage of without a declared licence are provided under the NLP Centre Web Service Licence.

The Language Services logs usage of the services. We collect date/time information, request parameters, and IP address of the user.

How to add a service

You can add a service, if you are a member of the NLPC. In the project dir, do the following:

  1. Find a unique name <service_name> for the call.
  2. Create <service_name.json> with the description in the languageservices/json directory. See hello.json as an example.
  3. Add limit to text length (number of characters).
  4. Test it.