EnvironmentId {4bc1cd62-3619-4691-9bf9-e6aed631b1eb} ProjectExplorer.Project.ActiveTarget 0 ProjectExplorer.Project.EditorSettings true false true Cpp CppGlobal QmlJS QmlJSGlobal 2 UTF-8 false 4 false 80 true true 1 true false 2 true true 0 8 true 1 true true true true ProjectExplorer.Project.PluginSettings true Builtin.Questionable true Builtin.DefaultTidyAndClazy 2 true ProjectExplorer.Project.Target.0 Desktop Qt 5.13.0 GCC 64bit Desktop Qt 5.13.0 GCC 64bit qt.qt5.5130.gcc_64_kit 2 0 1 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-Debug all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Debug CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-Release all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false MAKEFLAGS=-j 2 <VARIABLE>=<VALUE> Release CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RelWithDebInfo CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false MAKEFLAGS=-j 4 Release with Debug Information CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=MinSizeRel CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-Minimum-Size-Release all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Minimum Size Release CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration 4 0 Deploy Deploy ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Deploy 1 false ProjectExplorer.DefaultDeployConfiguration 1 dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_preprocess CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_preprocess ai_project_preprocess ~/Desktop/ai-project-data/cr_regions_ele/jihomoravsky.json -o ~/Desktop/ai-project-data/cr_regions_ele_pre/jihomoravsky.json false false true false false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_evolve CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_evolve ai_project_evolve -c "/media/sevc/Seagate Expansion Drive/ai-project-data/human_evaluation/configs/jeseniky-distance_100-hills_3-points_3.json" false false true false false false true false /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_common_geo CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_common_geo ai_project_common_geo false false true true false false true dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_test_common_geo CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_test_common_geo ai_project_test_common_geo false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo/test dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_add_elevation CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_add_elevation ai_project_add_elevation false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_test_common_example_geo CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_test_common_example_geo ai_project_test_common_example_geo false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo/test dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_test_common_example_search CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_test_common_example_search ai_project_test_common_example_search false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo/test dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_test_common_map CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_test_common_map ai_project_test_common_map false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo/test dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_evaluate CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_evaluate ai_project_evaluate false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 ai_project_test_evolution_example_grade CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.ai_project_test_evolution_example_grade ai_project_test_evolution_example_grade false false true true false false true /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Desktop_Qt_5_13_0_GCC_64bit-RelWithDebInfo/test 10 ProjectExplorer.Project.Target.1 Imported Kit Imported Kit {612c2a4d-2f96-48a3-bdad-11add4bb95b9} 1 0 0 CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Imported_Kit_612c2a-Debug all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Debug CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Imported_Kit_612c2a-Release all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Release CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=RelWithDebInfo CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Imported_Kit_612c2a-Release-with-Debug-Information all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Release with Debug Information CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=MinSizeRel CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx} CMAKE_C_COMPILER:STRING=%{Compiler:Executable:C} CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:STRING=%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX} QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} 2 /home/sevc/Desktop/build-ai-project-Imported_Kit_612c2a-Minimum-Size-Release all true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Build Build ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Build clean true CMakeProjectManager.MakeStep 1 Clean Clean ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Clean 2 false Minimum Size Release CMakeProjectManager.CMakeBuildConfiguration 4 0 Deploy Deploy ProjectExplorer.BuildSteps.Deploy 1 false ProjectExplorer.DefaultDeployConfiguration 1 dwarf cpu-cycles 250 -e cpu-cycles --call-graph dwarf,4096 -F 250 -F true 4096 false false 1000 true false false false false true 0.01 10 true kcachegrind 1 25 1 true false true valgrind 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2 preprocess CMakeProjectManager.CMakeRunConfiguration.preprocess preprocess false false true false false false true 1 ProjectExplorer.Project.TargetCount 2 ProjectExplorer.Project.Updater.FileVersion 22 Version 22