[MAIN] Each folder must contain test pdf file, and one expected output txt file. The pdf name must match the folder name and same goes to the txt file. The text file should consist of two lines: - The first line contains comma separated list of all words expected to be extracted from the document. - The second line contains comma separated list of keywords which are expected to be extracted by AI tool. [SOURCES] https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf https://course.ece.cmu.edu/~ece739/lectures/18739-2020-spring-lecture-07-cnn.pdf https://www.fd.cvut.cz/department/k611/pedagog/THO_A/A_soubory/statistics_firstfive.pdf https://www.bu.edu/geneva/files/2010/08/Easy_recipes.pdf https://cales.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/10%20Vertebrates%20F.pdf