Security and Fairness of Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Spring 2020 Neural network architectures input layer, hidden layer 1, hidden layer 2, output layer • Full connectivity is a problem for image inputs • Scalability: 200x200x3 images imply 120,000 weights per neuron in first hidden layer • Overfitting: Too many parameters would lead to overfitting Convolutional Neural Networks [LeCun 1989] • Specialized to the case where inputs are images (more generally, data with a grid-like topology) • Sparse connections, parameter sharing • Efficient to train • Avoid overfitting • Generalize across spatial translations of input • By sliding “filters” that learn distinct patterns (edges, blobs of color etc.) Key idea • Replace matrix multiplication in neural networks with convolution • Everything else remains the same Edge detection by convolution (Goodfellow 2016) Edge Detection by Convolution Input Kernel Output Figure 9.6 2D Convolution a b c d e f g h i j k l w x y z aw + bx + ey + fz aw + bx + ey + fz bw + cx + fy + gz bw + cx + fy + gz cw + dx + gy + hz cw + dx + gy + hz ew + fx + iy + jz ew + fx + iy + jz fw + gx + jy + kz fw + gx + jy + kz gw + hx + ky + lz gw + hx + ky + lz Input Kernel Output Sliding filters (kernels) Sparse connectivity (Goodfellow 2016) Sparse Connectivity CHAPTER 9. CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 x4 s4 x5 s5 x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 x4 s4 x5 s5 Sparse connections due to small convolution kernel Dense connections Figure 9.2 Sparse connectivity (Goodfellow 2016) CHAPTER 9. CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 x4 s4 x5 s5 x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 x4 s4 x5 s5 Sparse Connectivity Sparse connections due to small convolution kernel Dense connections Figure 9.3 Growing receptive fields (Goodfellow 2016) Growing Receptive Fields x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x1 x2 x3 h1 h2 h3 x4 h4 x5 h5 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 Figure 9.4 Parameter sharing (Goodfellow 2016) Parameter Sharing CHAPTER 9. CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS x1 x2 x3 s1 s2 s3 x4 s4 x5 s5 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 Convolution shares the same parameters across all spatial locations Traditional matrix multiplication does not share any parameters Figure 9.5 Edge detection by convolution (Goodfellow 2016) Edge Detection by Convolution Input Kernel Output Figure 9.6 Convolutional Neural Networks • A ConvNet is made up of Layers • Every Layer transforms an input 3D volume to an output 3D volume with some differentiable function that may or may not have parameters • Neurons in a layer will only be connected to a small region of the layer before it Example ConvNet architecture Layers: CONV, RELU, POOL, FC Convolutional layer Connectivity • An example input volume in red (e.g. a 32x32x3 CIFAR-10 image), and an example volume of neurons in the first Convolutional layer. • Each neuron in the convolutional layer is connected only to a local region in the input volume spatially, but to the full depth (i.e. all color channels). • If the receptive field (or the filter size) is 5x5, then each neuron in the Conv Layer will have weights to a [5x5x3] region in the input volume, for a total of 5*5*3 = 75 weights (and +1 bias parameter). • There are multiple neurons (5 in this example) along the depth, all looking at the same region in the input; these are part of different filters. Spatial arrangement • Output volume depends on • Depth (Number of filters) K • Spatial extent of filters (receptive field) F • Stride S • Amount of zero-padding P Spatial arrangement • One spatial dimension (x-axis), one neuron with a receptive field size of F = 3, the input size is W = 5, and there is zero padding of P = 1 • Number of output neurons = (W−F+2P)/S+1 • Often P=(F−1)/2 when S=1; ensures number of output neurons = W kernel stride = 1 stride = 2 Zero pad Zero pads Zero pad Spatial arrangement • Depth • Number of filters • Each filter learns to look for a pattern in the input (e.g., first CONV layer filters may activate in the presence of differently oriented edges or blobs of color) Spatial arrangement • Stride • Step size with which we slide the filters • When the stride is 1 then we move the filters one pixel at a time. When the stride is 2 (or uncommonly 3 or more) then the filters jump 2 pixels at a time as we slide them around Spatial arrangement • Zero-padding • Pad the input volume with zeros around the border • Allows us to control the spatial size of the output volumes Parameter sharing • Assumption • If one feature is useful to compute at some spatial position (x,y), then it should also be useful to compute at a different position (x2,y2) • All neurons in the same depth slice use the same weights and bias Convolution Demos • • Example ConvNet architecture Layers: CONV, RELU, POOL, FC Max pooling Reduce the amount of parameters and computation in the network, and hence to also control overfitting Example ConvNet for CIFAR-10 • INPUT [32x32x3] will hold the raw pixel values of the image, in this case an image of width 32, height 32, and with three color channels R,G,B. • CONV layer will compute the output of neurons that are connected to local regions in the input, each computing a dot product between their weights and a small region they are connected to in the input volume. This may result in volume such as [32x32x12] if we decided to use 12 filters. • RELU layer will apply an elementwise activation function, such as the max(0,x). This leaves the size of the volume unchanged ([32x32x12]). • POOL layer will perform a downsampling operation along the spatial dimensions (width, height), resulting in volume such as [16x16x12]. • FC (i.e. fully-connected) layer will compute the class scores, resulting in volume of size [1x1x10], where each of the 10 numbers correspond to a class score. CNN Visualization • Visualize activations • Visualize filters/kernels • Visualize inputs maximally activating some neuron or layer Visualize activations Source: Activations of first convolution layer (left) and 5th convolution layer of AlexNet . First CONV layer filters in AlexNet Visualize filters Source: Visualize inputs maximizing activation Source: Maximally activating inputs for 6 neurons of 5th pool layer of AlexNet Acknowledgment Based in part on material from • Stanford CS231n • Spring 2019 course • Deep Learning book Real-world example • The Krizhevsky et al. architecture that won the ImageNet challenge in 2012 accepted images of size [227x227x3]. • On the first Convolutional Layer, it used neurons with receptive field size F=11, stride S=4 and no zero padding P=0. • Since (227 - 11)/4 + 1 = 55, and since the Conv layer had a depth of K=96, the Conv layer output volume had size [55x55x96]. • Each of the 55*55*96 neurons in this volume was connected to a region of size [11x11x3] in the input volume. • Moreover, all 96 neurons in each depth column are connected to the same [11x11x3] region of the input, but of course with different weights. Real-world example • Number of parameters • Without parameter sharing • 55*55*96 = 290,400 neurons in the first Conv Layer, and each has 11*11*3 = 363 weights and 1 bias. Together, this adds up to 290400 * 364 = 105,705,600 parameters on the first layer of the ConvNet • With parameter sharing • The first Conv Layer in our example would now have only 96 unique set of weights (one for each depth slice), for a total of 96*11*11*3 = 34,848 unique weights, or 34,944 parameters (+96 biases). cnn, convolution, neural network, hidden layer, filter, full connectivity, kernel, overfitting, topology, parameter sharing