# Evaluation of Mathematico agents This folder contains the script `perft.py` which can be used to measure the performance of one agent and compare it against previously measured agents. ## Usage To visualize the measured data, just run: python perft.py These data are stored in `data.csv` local file in the form of: * class name * file from which it was imported * optional descritpion of the run * scores obtained per samples games (always the same 20 games) * average time per game --- To test a performance of an agent represented by classname `CLS` in a module `MODULE`, just run: python perft.py --cls ${CLS} --file ${MODULE} See `python perft.py --help` for more. ## Content * `data_human_10--all.csv` contains the results 10 games which all human evaluators played * `data_human_20.csv` contains the results of the evalluation games (20) of human evaluators who played all of them * `data.csv` is measured data from a variety of agents * `perft.py` script to run evaluation * `perft.sh` script to compare all available agents at once * `players/*.py` classes with players to evaluate (including pygame for humans) ## Recommendations For reproducibility, either set random seeds for each agent, or run the same agent multiple times. Ideally add commit hash to description via `--desc`.