Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 78)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#198 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed more efficient and robust track logging
  • current setup
    • currently the whole track is periodically dumped to a GPX file
    • that means that the longer logging is running, the longer takes it takes to save the tracklog
  • efficiency done
    • just save the increment to a simple text file with one line per point (CSV)
    • periodically save small increments (say 10 lines every 10 seconds for 1 point per second logging frequency)
    • once logging is stopped, convert the simple text files to GPX
    • check on startup if there are some files left from the last time (in case modRana couldn't exit cleanly)
  • robustness done
    • save to two files so that if one gets corrupted (eq. modRana or device crashing while the file is being written), there is still one left
#206 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed harmless error during tile download

Exception in thread Thread-22: based on

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 486, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/opt/modrana/modules/", line 1042, in run
self.callback.storeInMemmory(tileDownloadFailedSur face,,'semiPermanentError',expireTimestam p)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'tileDownloadFailedSurface' referenced before assignment

It appear when the tile get downloaded and prepare to show, the screen just appear "loading..." and no map shown.

#36 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed voice: improve distance interpretation
  • instead of "one point twenty six" -> "one kilometer and twenty six metes" + the same for imperial units
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.