Custom Query (78 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 78)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#175 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed GTK UI: batch download & size estimation = unreadable text
  • when both batch download an size estimation are running at once, text in the bottom infobox is overlaid and thus nor readable
#1 Martin Kolman anonymous fixed fails on shr-u with: import error: no module named statvfs

hi I just tried the ipk for my shr unstable; running from command line I get an import error for loading statvfs. looking at the python site they say it is deprecated since version 2.6 (shr - u currently runs v2.6.4) any idea? thanks for your efforts. the screenshots are looking very promising!!!

#3 Martin Kolman Martin Kolman fixed rotate map around a shifted center


  • when the turn-by-turn navigation is active, move the position indicator down and show more of the map in the direction of travel

possible drawbacks:

  • text orientation on tiled maps (aerial/sat tiles dont have text usually, so they should be OK)
  • performance -> maybe use some sort of acceleration (OpenGL ES?)
    • seems to be OK, should be a non issue in the clutter based alternative map widget (once implemented :)
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