= !VisDic XML format = XML files in !VisDic consist of tags and their values. Value of the TAG tag is enclosed in strings and . Tags can be nested, which means that each tag can contain another tag. White characters like spaces, tabs and new-lines at the start or at the end of each tag value are trimmed. However, XML files parsed by !VisDic are quite different from the common ones in these points: * XML dictionaries contain entries. Each entry is in fact represented by one small XML file. There is no tag enclosing the whole dictionary. * XML tag has no attributes. Example of one Wordnet synset: {{{ #!xml ENG21-00001740-n n entity1 that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving) 2 factotum }}} Tags and their values: * ID: unique synset identification * POS: Part of speech (n=noun, v=verb, a=adjective, b=adverb) * SYNONYM: synonyms * LITERAL: one literal * SENSE: sense number * DEF: definition * BCS: Common Base Concepts set number * DOMAIN: synset domain = DEBVisDic XML format = DEBVisDic XML is almost the same as !VisDic XML. Only difference is that literal sense number is converted from tags to attributes. For example: {{{ #!xml entity }}} You can convert XML in !VisDic format to DEBVisDic format using this XSLT template http://deb.fi.muni.cz/vis2deb.xslt